Zone 15

600 24 0

Eunji brought Chansung his cup of coffee, he was busy reading a newspaper.

“Good morning sir.”

“Good morning Eunji, do you need a ride to your appointment this afternoon?”

“No, I asked a friend to pick me up.”

“Let me guess Sunggyu or Woohyun.”

“No, I have other friends besides them like Mrs. Song from downstairs.”

“The receptionist, it’s only been a week and you’re already making friends here. So who’s picking you up?”

“You don’t know him.”

“Him? hmm. A boyfriend perhaps?”

“Perhaps it’s none of your business.”

Chansung laughed.

“By the way, will it kill you to say please and thank you. No wonder your last secretary quit, he probably didn’t feel appreciated.”

“Thank you for bringing my morning coffee, will you please call the marketing director to schedule a meeting for 2 and will you please leave my office.”

“You’re welcome.” [I’m not sure whether I should count this as a victory or be scared.]


 @ 12:15 the phone rang.


“Number 2” Chansung hung up.

“A simple please wouldn’t kill him” she complained as she got her purse.

The phone rang again, she picked it up “Please” he hung up again.

She smiled. 


At 1pm Eunji walked into Chansung’s office “I’ll be back at 2.”

“Okay” he said.

Eunji went downstairs, Dongwoo was already in front waiting. Chansung watched from his office as Eunji got into the car and drove away.

“Thanks again Dongwoo oppa.”

“No problem.”

“Did Woohyun go home today?”

“Yes, he left around 11.”

“That’s good.”


Eunji turned on the radio. “Do you mind?” she asked.

“Go ahead.” 

“Dongwoo, I have a question for you. Let’s say you were trapped in an elevator with your best friend and a girl you love. You have a few minutes until help arrives, but the elevator can’t support your combined weights, who would you sacrifice?”

“My best friend, he would understand. He would do the same thing in my situation.”

“What about you? What if you had to choose between Woohyun and Sunggyu?”

“I would sacrifice myself.”


“Because I couldn’t imagine them not being here anymore.”

Dongwoo pulled into the parking lot “Are you sure this is the right place?” he asked as he scanned the area.

He parked the car then he and Eunji got out. 

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