Zone 17

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“Why? Why?! Why did you have to say it?!” Eunji screamed. 

“Because I could never forgive myself if I didn’t say it. So now that you know how I feel the ball is in your court" Woohyun said. 

Chansung found them, Eunji looked like she was on the verge of crying “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Can you take me home?” Eunji asked.

“Sure" Chansung said. 

Eunji followed Chansung to his car. Chansung opened the car door for Eunji and closed it after she got it then he went around to the driver’s side and got in. "Are you sure you want to go home? I know a cool place that’s lot of fun.”

“Why did he have to ruin it by confessing?”

“He finally told you.”

“You knew?”

“You didn’t?”

“No. Instead of dropping me home, can you drop me off at this address.” She showed him a paper with an address written on it. 

A few minutes later they arrived. “Who’s place is this?"

"This is where Woohyun and Sunggyu live.”

“I should go say hi to Sunggyu.”

He parked the car on the street. Eunji opened the door of the dorm with the key they gave her a few months ago. Eunji announced her presence, a tired Sunggyu emerged from his bedroom. They were all gathered in the living room. 

“Eunji what are you doing back here?” Sunggyu asked. 

“Yo Gyu” Chansung said.

"Yo" Sunggyu paused "What are you doing here?” Sunggyu asked.

"I dropped Eunji off and thought I should say hi.”

“Why can’t he just be satisfied with being friends?!” Eunji said. 

“What?” a confused Sunggyu asked. 

“Woohyun finally told her” Chansung said. 

“Finally” Sunggyu said. 

“You knew too” Eunji said.

“Most girls are supposed to be happy when a guy confesses to them” L said. 

“But when you’re friends you can always be together, no breakups, no complicated relationship stuff.”

“Now that he’s confessed there’s no way your friendship can return to how it was before” Chansung said. 

Eunji dropped on the couch.   

“Eunji in all the years that you’ve known Woohyun, you’ve never liked him?” Dongwoo asked.

“Of course not we’re just friends” she hugged one of the pillows.


“She’s lying” Sunggyu said. 

Eunji turned her attention to him. “I am not lying.”

“Woohyun was the first one you liked, you started liking me after White Day 12 years ago.”

Woohyun was right, Sunggyu oppa knew all along.

“She used to like Woohyun?!” L said. 

Sungjong moved closer to Sunggyu “Hyung, tell us what happened.”

“Eunji had given both Woohyun and me homemade sweets on valentine’s day.” 

“Why did she give both of you sweets if she liked Woohyun hyung?” Sungjong asked. 

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