Zone 13

721 23 1

7:55 am on Monday

Eunji ran into the building marked Hwang Construction, the sound of her heels making contact with the ground echoed. She stopped at the front desk in the lobby, “How may I help you?” the receptionist said. 

“I’m a new employee here, today is my first day so I don’t have an ID yet” she explained. 

Changsu got off one of the elevators in the lobby, “My secretary...” he stopped when he saw Eunji “Good morning”  she said. 

“Good morning, you’re cutting it close on your first day.”


“Eunji how are your computer skills?”

“I would say they're okay but anything I don't know I can pick up quickly.”

“You’ll do.” He put his hand on her shoulder and led her to the elevator. “Good news, you’re being promoted to my secretary/assistant.” There was an elevator waiting already, they got in then he pressed floor number 3 on the panel.

“But don’t you have one already?”

“He resigned this morning.”

Eunji was slightly scared and excited. [I wonder why he resigned on short notice, maybe Changsu’s a horrible boss.]

“I won’t be giving you any special treatment because we know each other.”

“I understand.”

The elevator arrived on the third floor, he gave her a quick tour around, showing her where the bathrooms are, the break room, and finally his office and her station in front.

“This is your desk, apart from you no one is allowed to walk into my office without my knowledge. When my blinds are closed that means I’m busy or in a private meeting so do not disturb. You’ll might have to follow me around in the field on some days” he looked down at her shoes “so you might want to get a pair of more comfortable shoes.” Eunji nodded. “Also, I expect a cup of black coffee every morning on my desk. Sometimes I might ask you to get lunch for me if I’m busy, there’s a notepad with the names of restaurants and food I eat from each one, each restaurant has a number so if I say 1, I’m referring to the restaurant labeled 1. Here’s your phone, it’s for taking calls when you’re not in the office it’s not for personal use and a card you can use when you running errands, again it’s not for your personal use. You start at 7 instead of 8 and I hate lateness.” [Whoa he’s scary, I guess corporate life does change people. I have to call Woohyun when I get a chance to let him know about my promotion.]  A man walked towards them, “Mr. Choi will be showing you the ropes today, I’ll call you if I need you.” He walked into his office and closed the door.

“Hello, I’m Mr. Choi.” 

“Good morning, I’m Eunji.”

He shook his head. “From now on you have to introduce yourself as secretary Jung Eunji.”

She nodded.

He gave her the folder that he was carrying “Hwang Construction Company Rules & Regulations” she read.

“Make sure you read the manual and know it from cover to cover.”

“Mr. Choi, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know anything about construction.”

He smiled at her “She won’t make it past a week here,” he said under his breath.


“Let me show you how the phone works.”

Mr. Choi spent the entire work day training her, after work he invited her to eat with the a few coworkers but she politely declined. She cleaned up her work space and mounted a 10 year old picture of her with Sunggyu and Woohyun on her desk and another picture of her parents. She used the mug they gave her as a pen holder for the pen they gave her as well as the pens that were in one of her desk's draws.

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