Zone 16

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.Two days later in Sunggyu and Woohyun‘s room.

“Where are you taking her?” Sunggyu asked.

“A fancy french restaurant.”

“Why would you waste so much money on a blind date?”

“Because I want to make a good impression and get a second date.”

They heard Eunji enter the dorm “Where is he?” she asked. 

“His room” Dongwoo said.

She walked into the room “Are you going with your hair like that? You should comb it up, you look cooler like that.” She styled his hair. “Don’t wear too much makeup, just put some bb cream and lip balm on. Girls prefer it when you don’t wear too much makeup.”

“You’re dressing me based on your preferences” Woohyun said.

“Even if I were there’s nothing wrong with that, right Sunggyu oppa?”

“I’m staying out of this one” he said.

Eunji’s phone rang, “You’ve reached Eunji.”

“I need you to go my office. I left an important folder on my desk that I need for a meeting in a few minutes” Chansung said.

“I better get a bonus for this. Where’s the meeting?”

“At Palais de Gaumont, do you know where it is?”

“Of course, almost every girl dreams of doing on a date there.”

“Hurry.” He hung up. 

“Sorry, that was Chansung he needs me to get a folder from his office and deliver it to him asap” Eunji explained.

“Go save the day secretary Jung” Woohyun said.

“Good luck on your date, give her lots of compliments and don’t forget to be yourself. If she doesn’t like you then she’s a fool” Eunji said before she left.

Sunggyu walked passed Woohyun who was standing in front of the mirror, "Sucks to be you.”

“Shut up.”


Eunji arrived at the restaurant. “Excuse me ma’am do you have a reservation?” the host said.

“Not exactly, my boss is here and I need to give him this folder.”

“What’s his name?”

“Hwang, Chansung.”

The host looked through the opened book on the podium. “Ah, he’s at table 3, near the window I’ll take you to him.” 

Eunji followed him. She saw Chansung sitting alone.

“Excuse me sir, this woman said she’s here for you.”

“She is” Chansung said. 

The host left Eunji and went back to his post

She placed the folder on the table “I made it before the meeting.”

“Sit down.” 

“Do you always have meetings at such fancy restaurants?”

“Only if it’s a really important meeting and we’re trying to butter them up.”

Eunji looked around “I always wondered what it looks like in here.”

“Why don’t you order something to eat?” Chansung said.

“No, I better go home. And don’t forget about my bonus.”

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