Chapter 2

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Daniels POV

Class has started but I can't seem to focus on my work.

Joey has ran through my mind since we sit down he was beautiful, his perfect brown quiffed up hair, to his beautiful green eyes you could just get lost in them they were just that perfect.

I was taken out of my thoughts.

Mr Michaels: Daniel, can you tell me what we were just talking about?

My mind was blank.

D: Math?

The class laughed and Michaels was looking a little annoyed but the only thing I could focus on was Joey he let out a small laugh it was so cute.

MM: Do you think this is a joke? Would you like to take yourself down to the principals office?

My heart raced, although this would be considered 'cool' I am terrified. Don't get me wrong I have been to the office many of times but this time there was Joey. What if, what if was all that was going through my mind, What if Joey thought I was just like the guys? My thoughts wandered, Joey? A guy I just met or my reputation? Reputation. Joey will probably be over this friendship in a day anyways.

I let out a huff and smirked at Joey before looking at our teacher

D: Yes, actually. Who the fuck is going to have to use algebra after this bullshit we call school? This is math class not English I don't need to know my god damn alphabet.

The whole class gasped, Joeys jaw was dropped to the floor, my heart was racing Mr. Michaels was taken back at least that's what I got from his face.


I rolled my eyes and flipped him off walking out of the room.

-time skip- Period: Lunch -

I walked into the crowded lunch room a boy caught my eye, it was Joey.

I made my way over to sit with the older boy, he looked gorgeous as ever his hair looked a little messier than it did this morning and honestly that's kind of a hot look on him.

D: Hey

I said looking at the boy.

Joey rolled his eyes in annoyance. I knew it then I probably fucked up. Joey definitely wasn't a bad kid he was more laid back and normal, not popular, not a geek or nerd, he was just Joey and he liked that.

J: Why aren't you in the office?

He asked with a hint of anger in his voice.

D: I never went, I just stayed in the locker room until lunch.

Joey looked a little shocked, I don't understand why since our group is all about getting into the ultimate amount of trouble.

J: Are you fucking stupid? You are just like the rest of our group!

My heart sunk into my chest, I wasn't like them but it didn't matter.

D: I'm not like them I swear!

I basically shouted it to where the whole cafeteria could hear. Joey and I earned a few glances.

J: Oh really? Then prove it.

How can I prove that I'm not like them? And why would I try to prove myself to a boy I had just met? That would make no sense, Joey was so angry and I don't completely understand why. Joey looked me down and gosh did I want to kiss his luscious pink plump lips, my thoughts were interrupted to Joey clearing his throat.

D: How do I prove myself to you?

I said basically desperate at this point. Thoughts ran through my head I could see a beautiful thinking Joey in front of me I smiled a little to myself.

J: Just do it, figure it out.

Joey said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. My heart broke.

D: Jo-

I tried to talk but was cut off by the older boy.

J: until you prove to me you're not like them I don't want anything to do with you.

Joeys voice was filled with anger and disappointment. I still couldn't understand fully why, Joey then grabbed his lunch bag and walked off leaving me alone at the table.

If there is one thing I have learned about Joey, he is a little stubborn kind of like me.

Joey is different he wasn't in this group for the 'coolness' he was in it more than likely so he wouldn't become the schools punching bag. Joey has a story and I'm going to be the one to figure it out, I want to know everything of the mysterious new boy, this boy I just met is driving me crazy.


The rest of the school day me and Joey just gave each other quick glances, I would get close to him he would ignore me and or walk away it was frustrating.

What could this new kid possibly want from me?
It was finally the end of the school day, and let me tell you I was not ready for tomorrow in English we have this big project coming up the teachers are paring us up with random people I'm probably going to get stuck with a Neanderthal.

I let out a deep breath and take out my phone texting as I start walking home, my house was a block away from the school so I always had literally no excuse to not go to school. It fucking sucked.

Out of the corner of my eye I seen someone it was Joey. Why was he on the same street as me? Is he the new neighbor that moved in a few doors down? I was taken back but also so excited then disappointed, he wants nothing to do with me right now.

Finally I arrived home.

( Daniels mom) DM: Hey sweetie! How was school?

My mom said excitedly as she let a smile spread across her face. My mom was my best friend she was the only parent I ever grew up knowing completely since my father was and is a serious alcoholic.

D: It was good!

My mom smiled and nodded her head.

DM: I'm so glad! Your dinner is on the counter, I will be back in a little while I just got called into work.

My mom hurriedly ran over to me and gave me a tight squeeze before leaving the house. My mom was a nurse and she is on call 24:7

But without my mom here I am left with my thoughts.


I let out a sigh of frustration.

How am I going to prove myself to this boy?

High School Sweethearts; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now