Ch. 8

447 16 24

Daniels POV

I skate as fast and good as I possibly can but Joey was good, maybe just a little too good for me to beat. I am now beside him looking at him we were both breathless but still skating strong.

J: going to give up yet?

D: Never

Joey smirked and sped up like the freaking energizer bunny, finally I was caught up again.

D: Loser kisses the winner.

I smirked, and started skating fast ahead of the older boy. But he got in front of me.

J: get ready to kiss these lips, Danny.

That was enough to knock me off my feet I fell ass first onto the hard wooden floor.

Announcer :And the winner is Joey!

I felt defeated but Joey was smiling so it made it all worth it I got up making my way towards him.

J: lose-

I cut him off and slammed my lips into his he melted into the kiss and for that moment I felt like the world around me was fading away. He was perfect this was perfect.

As cliche as it sounds it was just like a movie, flashbacks started from when I first met him how innocent he is, was. We haven't known each other long but everything in me wants to make him mine.

I pull away and see, Joeys eyes still closed and his cheeks tinted red, he then bites his lip smiling, his eyes flutter open looking into mine.

Oh shit I'm in love.

J: Good game, daddy.

Joey giggled as he kissed my cheek.

D: yeah it's not over yet, imma beat you out of here.

With that I skated off to entrance of the roller rink.

J: No fair!!

Joey said as he skated beside me, I smirked.

D: oh what was that you're a lose-

Joey cut me off pressing his lips gently on mine.

J: A happy loser for your information.

With that Joey walked out and put his skates on the counter putting on tying his shoes, I was speechless. But damn that boy was fine.
D: so what do you want to do now, Graceffa?

I asked in a questioning tone.

Joey sit there clearly thinking for a minute on the small bench, our hands just inches apart.

J: How about we go down to the beach?

D: That sounds like a amazing idea.

The older boy smiled at me with his pearly white teeth, I could never get tired of seeing his beautiful smile. I smiled back and looked down at our hands and before I knew it his hand was on top of mine. Electricity shot through my body. This boy does things to me.

-The beach-

Joey ran out to the ocean letting the water hit his skin, I followed he was gorgeous it was almost time for sunset.

J: it's so pretty out here tonight isn't it?

Joey said as he sit down in the water, I smiled and sit beside him.

D: It's absolutely gorgeous.

I smiled to myself knowing I wasn't talking about the sun that was about to set, I was talking about the beautiful boy beside me.

J: why are you looking at me like that?

Joey said as he looked back out at the sky and ocean.

D: You're beautiful.

Joey turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes.

J: You really think I'm beautiful?

His big green eyes looked at me just waiting for an answer cheeks painted red.

D: I don't think so, Joey I know so you're beautiful.

A smile crept across the older boys face I couldn't help but to laugh at his reaction.

J: What's funny?

I just smiled and splashed him, he then pushed me and we went back and fourth.

J: You're going to pay for that!

Joey hopped on me wrapping his legs around my waist, making me go under the water. He then released I came back up for air, then back under again picking him up and slamming him back into the water. The older boy smirked and swam back up to me.

J: I'm done.

D: I win

J: this wasn't a competition?

D: I know but your reaction was kinda funny.

By this point we were both wet, I grabbed Joeys hand from under the water and swam out further. The moonlight hit the water perfectly, it hit Joey perfectly, his beautiful skin and glowing green eyes. I smiled at him he smiled back.

D: back to what I was saying, Joey you're beautiful.

J: You're just crazy.

D: maybe I am crazy, I'm crazy about you.

I then slowly leaned in for a kiss our lips met, I never wanted this night to end. I smiled into the kiss as it started getting more and more heated, I pulled away and rested my head on his looking him in the eyes.

J: w- ow

The older boy said catching his breath.

D: Joey I like you, I want you but will you be mine?

I smiled slightly.

Please say yes....

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