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Joeys POV
April 17th, day of prom

I fix my black tux I got, looking over at Daniel who is also getting ready.

He walks over to me and slithers is arm around my waist, kissing my neck gently.

I hear the limo pull up and it honking. "STOP DOING YOUR BUTT SHIT OR WHATEVER AND GET IN THE CAR!" Anthony yells, making me blush slightly.

Daniel places a kiss on my lips before taking me hand, leading me down my stair case. I open the door and see their girlfriends, heads out the sun roof basically screaming their heads off. Ava is Nathan's, Ella is Anthony's and Kya is Zanes. Obviously I'm Daniels, forever and always.

They open the door and Daniel gets in before me, helping me inside of the limo. He pulls me onto his lap, facing him. I just snuggle into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist as the loud music blasts.

Anthony: you guys really cannot stay away from each other can you?

Daniel: oh hush I bet you smash everyday with huge titties up there...

I just gasp a little, chocking on air from laughing to hard.

Ella: sometimes two times a day don't forget.

Anthony: whatever...

Joey: okay well like it's nice to hold onto the person you love for as long as possible...

The girls hear what I say and pop their heads back into the sun roof, staring at me.

Kya: why do all of the good boys have to be gay!?

Joey: um I'm Bi...? But like I'm taken so...

Zane: KYA

Kya: whoopsie

Ella: play we all need a picture...

Nathan: you girls and your pictures...

Daniel carries me over to the group of friends, sitting down on the other side. I sit on his lap, facing the camera. Ella holds her phone out to take a picture and Daniel places his lips on my cheek, making me giggle and blush at the same time. He takes our camera out and takes a picture.

Ella: aww look how adorable Joey is in this picture

She shows the phone to Daniel and he smiles, taking the photo out of the camera and placing it in his pocket.


We walk into the huge crowd of teenagers, some dancing but most sitting down.

I pull Daniel over to the dance floor and the rest of the gang follows. I just giggle and Daniel wraps his arms around my waist, swaying back and forth.

A not so slow song comes on and I smile to myself, knowing what I need to do. I flip around and place my butt on Daniels lap, swaying slowly.


She pretends to throw money at me as I twerk on Daniel. He holds my hips as I start to get creative, dropping low. I arch my back as I come up, rubbing against Daniels lap.

Daniel: okay you don't want someone to show up that we don't need to now okay?

I just stop and turn around facing Daniel. I press my lips against his and grab his crotch, rubbing lightly. He jumps a little but I let go, letting him know I'm all his tonight.

Anthony: you little nasty

Joey: oh as soon as you taste dick, you will NEVER go back to a female...


Joey: also the sex is better, I mean I've never slept with a woman before but I still think the sex is better


I just roll my eyes and I hear a slow song come on.

I smile and take Daniels hand pulling him close to me.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. I start swaying back and forth, never wanting this to end.

I look deeply into Daniels eyes and feel myself fall in love all over again. I lean in for a kiss and he happily leans down, kissing me softly. I hear the year book club take a photo of us and I ignore it, wanting this to last forever.

I hear another person take a photo making me pull away in confusion. I look over and see Ella with our camera.

Ella: just thought you needed this...

She hands us the picture and I look at it. Seeing us kissing makes me melt inside, knowing that I will be with this man forever. I can't wait to look back on these photos and want to go back...


Daniel and I strangely won prom king and queen... which is weird because we are both males. But I'll take it, a bunch of excited girls were pissed though, saying to recount the scores.

Daniel walking into his house, me hanging on his side.

His mom comes running down the stairs excited as could be.

Daniel: what...?

Maria: you're excepted

Joey: yeah everyone got excepted into the community collage we are going to, no big deal...

Maria: community? Daniel signed up for one in California...

I glare over at Daniel, my loving eyes immediately turning into angry and annoyed.


Daniel: I'm sorry

Joey: sorry my ass

I take my car keys out of my pocket and get into my car. Daniel comes running out of the house, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" I just shake my head and drive away, taking my anger out on the road.

I swerve around the bend and stop on the dime at a red light, anger consuming me.

I see Daniel calling me so I answer putting it on speaker.

Joey: WHAT

Daniel: come back please Joey

Joey: I need fucking time to cool off okay?

Daniel: okay I guess love you...

Joey: love you...

Before either of us hang up I feel something hit into my car, making me scream. Daniel asked what happened but I couldn't talk.

I start spinning out of control and all I hear is Daniel yelling my name, asking what's wrong. I spin into a tree, getting launched into the steering wheel, hitting my head.

Daniel: Joey? Jo... j...

Then the phone kicks off, a huge branch landing on it. I gasp as the branch falls on me...

All I see is...


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