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Daniels POV

For what seemed like years at Joey's bedroom door he finally opened it.

J: Come in..

The boy said with an almost emotionless expression on his face, It was sad seeing someone so energetic in a matter of minutes die down to a feeling of nothingness. It hurt me to see him like this, he lead the way to the bed I followed and sit beside him.

D: Are you okay?

My voice was filled with obvious concern, I just knew he wasn't okay.

J: Im fine, I am use to this.

The older boys voice cracked, tears threatened to escape his dim eyes. You could see the sadness in his eyes but he was trying to stay strong I could only think about much this is hurting him I didn't know what else to do. I opened my arms for the older boy he fell into them and all I could hear is quiet sobs in between sorry's.

D: Joey, you don't have a thing to be sorry about. I am here for you just let it out. I promise everything will be alright.

He was weak, but so was I.

J: I am sorry you shouldn't have to see me like this, Danny.

He sniffled.

D: Look at me, Joseph.

I lifted Joey's head up from my now wet chest and made him look me into the eyes.

J: Wha-

I cut him off and looked into his deep green orbs, I knew all the things to say but when I seen into his beautiful eyes all the words left my mouth. I wiped the tears off his cheek with my thumb.

D: You never have to be alone, Joey you are an amazing person I can see that. Things are hard right now but you don't need to hold back anymore, okay? You got me.

Joey nodded his head, and for a second I could see the slightest smile.

God damn hes so freaking beautiful, but so hurt.

J: Thank you so much, Daniel.

I smiled. Now that the crying has died down I decided to try and lighten the mood.

D: So Danny, huh?

I said teasingly, the boys cheeks turned a dark crimson red.

J: Um that was a moment thing

Joey rolled his eyes, his eyes may have said annoyed but his cheeks said everything but.

D: Don't worry I like it.

I said with a smirk, Joey laughed.


J: Okay, Danny!

The older boy said with a smile.

D: I thought that was a ''moment thing''

I laughed, Joey hit me playfully on the arm.

J: Oh shut up!

I couldn't help but to laugh. He was just too fucking cute for this world.

--Yogurt World--

J: Thanks for getting us out of there I don't think I could handle another moment with Richie being down my throat about him being my 'dad'

Joey said as he took a bite of his creamy treat.

D: I know what do you think was up with Richie and my mom?

I was honestly curious was Richie 'that one guy'?

J: I don't know it kind of seemed like they knew each other.

I let out a sigh of frustration, the truth will all unravel sooner or later, I just hope nobody gets hurt.

But at this point anything is possible.

D: Who knows? Oh well it isn't much of our problem.

Joey nodded in agreement. I liked Joey. I liked everything about him, his kindness, his smile, his heart.

But right now what I really liked about him was how he was talking to me, how the sun was hitting his skin perfectly, every single laugh, every smile, everything. I could only smile to myself thinking about this beautiful boy that was right in front of me.

J: You okay over there?

The older boy asked sitting his cup of yougurt down on the table. He looked at me as curiosity filled his face. Needless to say I was knocked out of my trance.

D: Yeah of course! Why wouldn't I be?

Play it off cool Daniel.

J: Well you went quiet for a minute you were looking at your hands smiling like a psychopathic monkey!

Joey laughed, I could feel the heat go to my cheeks making them grow red, I hope to god he doesn't notice. But if I have learned anything about this beautiful boy he misses some of the smallest things.

D: Oh um sorry.

I was dying on the inside from embarrassment, I am so glad this boy isn't a mind reader.

J: It's okay.


Time has passed hours with Joey only seemed as little as 20 minutes, I could have stayed at that yogurt place in silence with him forever.

J: Thanks for dropping me off, I will see you tomorrow.

I smiled.

D: I will see you soon, Joseph.

I gave him a hug ending it with a reassuring squeeze.


I sit on my bed listening to music, at this point I have now heard every love song on the radio and on the whole internet. I liked Joey and honestly every love song was made to tell him how beautiful and amazing he is.

I smiled to myself texted Joey.

D: I had fun :)

J: Me too :) I am going to be honest I was still a little mad at you but I think you redeemed yourself! :p

I let a smile spread across my face and a chuckle escape my lips. At least I am officially forgiven.

D: Well good, I will talk tomorrow I am going to finish up my homework and go to sleep. :(

With that I put my phone down beside me and started working on my homework. My phone vibrated.

J: Goodnight, Danny. <3 :)

I smiled to myself and whispered back ''Goodnight Joey''

Needless to say I fell asleep thinking of Joey that night.

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