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Daniels Pov

The dim Autumn sun shines through the curtain hitting my eyes perfectly, I smile remembering everything that happened the night before, I pull the Green eyed boys naked body closer to me kissing the top of his head.

D: Morning gorgeous

I gave him a small squeeze, I then kissed the top of his head seeing a smile plaster across his face.

J: Good morning Danny.

He put his hands on my cheeks, I couldn't help myself I kissed his soft plump lips, I smiled as I pulled away looking him in his beautiful orbs.

D: I'm going to take a shower.

Joey nods and turns back over looking a his phone.

I grab my phone and run to the bathroom turning the warm water on I undress and let it hit my skin immediately feeling every one of my problems slip away, I then here small footsteps and before I know it Joey is in with me.

J: I thought I would join you, if you don't mind?

He giggled as he wet his hair. I smile and put shampoo in his hair as I start to scrub I kiss his nose lightly.

D: Of course I don't care.

The older boy smiled, my heart melted I love his smile.

J: Why are you smiling like that?

The amount of times he asks me that in a week is almost too funny. I just smile.

D: You're beautiful.

A blush tints across the short boys face as he bites his own lip.

J: Oh hush.

I smile and laugh I then rinses the smaller boys hair out and rinse the soap off my body. I pull him close to me, skin to skin.

D: To me you're beautiful.

I look him in the eyes, water pouring over us, he nods his head up and down almost memorized.

I just happened to have my camera on the bathroom sink I reached out and got it.

D: Get under the water, we'll take a picture!

The older boy let the water hit him I smiled and took 2 pictures of us the water going over our heads.

J: Those look so stupid but I love them.

I laughed and sit my camera back out on the sink.
I sat on the bed and Joey laid the red photo album in front of me I smiled and opened it up looking at the pictures we took prior I put in the 2 new pictures we took today in open slots and wrote the date.

J: You know I think this picture so far is my favorite

The Green eyed boy said as he pointed to the picture of us in the leaves me holding him up smiling looking him in the eyes.

D: Me too.

I smiled and grabbed his hand placing a small soft kiss on it.

My phone started going crazy ringing my stomach dropped when I read the name, it was my mom. I shook it off and threw my phone back on the bed wondering if I should answer it.

J: Don't answer it come on let's go I have something planned.

I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket the Green eyed boy then took me by the hand pulling me of the bed.

What is he up too?

J: Okay you can take your hands away from your eyes!

I smiled and my eyes fluttered open I seen my beautiful boyfriend, we were in a poetry place.

D: Joey this is awesome thank you!

I pick him up kissing him spinning him around almost like a scene from a movie, the whole world stopped except for us. This boy really does care.

J: Come on let's go pick out something to paint!

The older boy giggled pulling on my arm like a child, there was cups, pots, bowels, flower pots, anything you could think of they had it.

D: Look I'm going to paint you!

I said teasingly as I showed the Green eyed boy a pig piggy bank.

Joey gasped acting offended.

J: That's actually really funny, because I'm painting you!

The older boy picked up a rat sculpture off the shelf, I gasp.

D: Pig.

I rolled my eyes.

J: Rat.

The Green eyed boy said as he strutted to the table. That boy was sassy.

-A little later

I paint the pigs snout and smile, finished. Finally.

D: Look in done painting you.

Joey scoffed and rolled his eyes, he then laughed.

J: I'm almost done painting you!

The Green eyed boy said concentrating on his art. I laughed and he looked up at me smirking.

D: What?

Suddenly I felt a coldness on my face as he slapped his paint brush across my cheek. I gasped throwing my left over paint on him, he laughed and went over to the art table taking the paint nozzle covering me in red paint. People were staring and laughing but I didn't care I poured the rest of my blue paint on him covering his face and shirt.

J: Okay okay stop!

The older boy raised his hands up stepping away from the paint I made my way over to him and wiped the paint from his eyes.

D: You are really blue..

He rolled his eyes.

J: You look adorable

I laughed and smiled as I caressed his cheek.

D: I'm red, your blue let's make purple.

The Green eyed boy smirks and I kiss his lips deepening the kiss, I then pull away as I feel a tap on may shoulder. I smirk to myself.

Manager: The door is there we will escort you out.

Joey and I hold in our laughter and walk outside.

We probably looked dumb drenched in paint outside of a pottery place on a cold day with just our shirts and no coats, but I didn't care and I know he didn't either we are just kids, two stupid kids in love.

J: I know we will never forget this moment but I think this deserves a picture.

I smile and kiss the boy and pull him close.


We look at the picture and smile.

Today was perfect.

High School Sweethearts; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now