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Joeys POV


D: MOM?!

Daniel and I scream as we look over on the kitchen counter. My step father having sex with Daniels mom...

I pick up my phone immediately and call my
mom, ready for her to leave him. Daniel also picks up his phone and dials his fathers number.

JM: Hello?

J: mom I have some horrible news!

JM: what happened?!

J: Daniel and I caught Mrs.Preda sleeping with Richie...

JM: im on my way...

Daniel hangs up his phone also. I see Richie and Maria covering themselves with pillows, whispering what they are going to do.

I hear a slight knock on the door, Daniel runs down to answer it. My mom comes running in and scans the area. I see her eyes lock with Richie's and she storms over to him. She pushes Maria out of the way and back him up into the wall.

JM: ok listen here you fucking bastard! I invite you into my home! Into my family! And this is how you treat me?! Sleeping with the neighbor?! What is wrong with you, you know what I can't handle this... I'm getting a fucking divorce and I expect you to be out of the house by tomorrow.

My mom turns around and locks eyes with Maria. She walks over to her.

JM: Ok now you, you fucking slut. I hope you enjoy this bastard because he is all yours!

My mom just looks at me and waves her hand at me. I pull Daniel by his hand and drag him over to my mom. She walks us out of their house and stands outside.

JM: do you guys want to go get ice cream or something?

J: yeah, but mom are you ok?

JM: I mean he was very mean to you so I'll pull through. If I was good enough for him he wouldn't cheat on me...

J: mom you aren't good enough for him because you are TOO good for him. He is just a horny bastard who wants to sleep with who ever he can. Forget his ass

JM: thanks Joey...

My mom leads us over to the car, I get in the back seat with Daniel and she looks back at us.

JM: Joey I thought you loved that front seat?

J: oh I didn't tell you, Daniel and I are a thing now

JM: oh cute, well where do you want to go?

I look over at Daniel and he smiles at me. I bop his nose a little and smile back. I rest my head in his shoulder and think what's a good ice cream place.

J: Dairy Queen?

JM: Daniel do you like Dairy Queen?

D: Mrs. Graceffa, ice cream is ice cream...

JM: oh please call me Debbie....

I hold onto Daniels hand and squeeze it tight. Just thinking about how that man would treat my mom. She is a beautiful woman, not a fucking door mat. She deserves to be respected, loved, cared for, the thing is Richie isn't a loving man. He just finds someone and says "Meh this will do!" Then marries her for a while, fucks things up, then shows no emotion when they split. My mom on the other hand is trying to stay strong, I know she wants to curl up in a blanket right now and just let life waist away. But she knows that she has a kid to take care of, she takes responsibility for everything that happened to her. Even if I was her little mistake.

I just stare out the window, not even realizing that we are here. I was too busy thinking about how life screws my mom over 24/7.

I let go of Daniels hand and get out of the car, him getting out behind me. I hold onto his hand again as our mom leads us into the ice cream shop.

JM: ok what do you boys want? My treat!

J: a twist cone, like always

D: I'll have the same Debbie, thanks

JM: you two find a seat outside for us, it's a nice fall day today

J: ok mom...

Daniel and I walk out side, hand in hand. I point to a bench and pull Daniel over to it.

D: why are you so excited about ice cream?!

J: no this is the bench me, my dad, and my mom used to always sit at

D: aw cute

J: not as cute as you Danny

D: oh please, you're cuter

J: oh really prove it!

Daniel pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of myself sleeping. I just look at him and cross my arms.

J: why did you take that?!

D: you looked so cute I couldn't help it...

J: oh hush.

I grab the side of Daniels face and place a short soft kiss on his lips. I rest my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh, just thinking openly.

J: hey Daniel?

D: yeah?

J: let's say this relationship goes to the next level... will you ever cheat on me

D: Joey, I wouldn't think about doing that ever, it just breaks my heart thinking about me cheating on you...

J: that's good to know...

He places his hand on my thigh, I put my hand over his and rub my thumb over his knuckles.

My mom comes out with mine and Daniels cones, she got herself a mint chip blizzard, like always. She hands us our cones and we start eating them.

J: hey cutie?

D: hm?

I stick my finger into my ice cream and bop it on his nose. My mom takes out her phone and starts recording us.

D: rude!

He places a little on my nose and I pout, crossing my arms.

D: aww is Joey sad?

I nod my head yes. He kisses my nose, removing the ice scream from it. I smile a little and he places his lips on mine, kissing softly.

I pull away and rest my head on Daniels shoulder again.

JM: I'm posting that in face book

D: wow, I swear every mom has face book okay...

J: she doesn't know how to use Instagram or anything like that...

Daniel and I just laugh a little, damn I could get used to this.

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