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Daniels Pov

I wake up to the sun shining in my face blinding me, literally. I turn over and smile gently shaking Joey's shoulder.

D: Joey wake up..

I whisper placing a small kiss on the top of his head, I grab my polaroid camera off my nightstand and smile as I snap a picture of Joey cuddled up to me, I want to wake up to this everyday. I smile as I untangle myself from my lover and get our big red photo album down, I put the picture in an empty slot and quickly write the date below it and put it back on the shelf. I smile gazing at my beautiful boy.

As much as I love watching the beautiful Green eyed boy sleep I wake him up shaking his shoulder gently whispering sweet nothings in his ear. We have hell to attend to aka school.

J: Well good morning, Danny!

Joey giggled a smile plastering across his face.

I smiled pecking a small kiss on his lips.

D: Time to get dressed Babyboy.

Joey groaned rolling back over placing all the covers over his head, I pull the covers off him and start tickling him.


Joey quickly hopped out of bed.

D: That was effective.

J: Shut up, Preda.

D: I love you Graceffa.

He smiled and I kissed him gently.

J: Okay lets get ready I can't afford another detention slip.


I yawned boredom filling me as I listened to every word of our math teacher ''Ms smarts'' her name is ironically correct to her intelligence.

MS: Okay class, that's all for today when you leave the classroom please please grab you a prom paper for next month the theme is everything Fairytale!

Prom, I use to dread the day it would pop up, like who would I ask to prom? Now I have someone. I excitedly grab the sheet of paper stuffing it in my back pocket I then make my way to the cafeteria, looking for Joey and the guys.

A: Over here Preda

I walk over sitting beside Joey kissing his cheek.

D: Hey guys

J: I missed you. Danny!

I smiled and grabbed his hand kissing the top of it.

A: Get a room

J+D: Shut up

We all laughed.

A: So prom is coming up next month you going?

D: Yeah we are!

I smiled and it quickly faded.

J: Who said I wanted to go with you?

I bit my tongue.

All the guys ''OOOh'' ed in unsion.

D: I just uh f-f-igured.

Joey laughed and hugged me tight.

J: You're stupid of course I am going with you.

He pecked my lips and smiled I let out a sigh of relief.

D: Don't scare me like that!

Joey laughed and Anthony rolled his eyes.

A: Gross.

Joey and I walked home hand and hand, it was such a beautiful crisp Autumn day the leaves just kept falling the days were growing colder as winter was soon to creep upon us. I smiled and looked at the green eyed boy his cheeks tinted red.

D: Are you cold?

I asked pulling in the boy closer.

J: A little bit nothing I can't handle.

I smile, and stop leading us to a cafe. Joey looks at me confused.

J: Why are we stopping here?

The Green eyed boy asked curiously.

D: We are going to get some coffee and warm up a few minutes I can't have you sick, Princess.

He blushed, a smile crept across my face. I love his blush and bright glowing green eyes and dazzling smile, to me he was perfect and that's all he will ever be.

J: Okay, Danny.

After making a special request from our waitress I walked the older boy over to a table, sitting beside him.

J: what was you whispering to her?

Joey asked as he laid his head on my shoulder looking up at me.

D: Nothing, babyboy. I just told her to make yours with more love.

I smiled down at him, I seen his face heat up.

W: For you, Sir.

I smiled and grabbed my coffee from her taking a sip, Joey grabbed his finding a small note be read it aloud.

J: "You are my Princess I am your Prince, you're all I ever wanted my FAIRYTALE wish, just like the theme we fit perfectly together, go to prom with me be my happily ever after"

Tears welled up in the young boys face .

D: Will you go to prom with me?

I asked sitting the small not back on the table then placing my hand in his, he nodded his head up and down.

J: Yes Daniel of course I will, I love you I love you so much.

I smiled and he grabbed my face kissing me I kissed him back placing a small sweet loving kiss on the top of his head.

D: I think this moment deserves a picture, yeah?

The Green eyed boy nodded and smiled he brought the coffee to his hand and kissed my cheek with my free hand I held the coffee and smiled into the camera. *click*

I smiled and took the picture out, I never been more happy than I am right now.

J: Danny don't forget the note! Take a picture of it then one of me holding it!!!

I smiled and took the pictures.

D: You're so beautiful.

The older boy hid his face in his hands clearly blushing.

J: You always say that!

D: Because it's true.

I smiled hugging onto the older boy tightly.

-later that evening

I lay on my bed thinking about all that's happened today, I'm so lucky I smile and take the photos out and the actual note that was written and put them in empty slots of the red photo album, it's really starting to fill up, I sloppily write the date below each picture.

DM: Daniel! Get down here I need to talk to you!

She never needs to talk to me I run down stairs and I seen him... my dad..


DM: Don't talk to your father that way!


DD: Son I'm sorry for everything..


My mom looked down at her feet, I can't believe this.

D: Fuck you guys! I hope you're happy.

I run out the door I hear my mom calling out my name but I don't care the cold autumn wind hits my face as I feel the tears start to fall, I run to Joey's house knocking on the door, and soon enough my beautiful Green eyed boy opened the door.

D: Joey...we need to go..

High School Sweethearts; Janiel Fan Fiction [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now