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Joeys POV

Daniel just asked me if I remembered anything from last night. I rub my temples and try to think something's...

J: um....

D: anything coming to you?

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I just chuckle a little and sip my coffee.

J: um yeah... we kissed right?

D: yeah we did, anything else? Because I remember it like it was like 5 minutes ago

J: I danced on you... and in front of everyone... then he played 7 minutes in heaven... and you gave me this right?

I tilt my head back a little and point to the purple blue hickey on my neck. I see Daniel hide his face slightly and blush a little.

J: oh please Daniel you just said you were my daddy and then I show you a hickey you give me then you blush? I see you

D: oh please you should of seen how much you moan when someone sucks on your neck... I'm sorry for ever sleeps with you.

I set down my fork gently and just smirk a little.

J: and what if that person was you?

D: oh I um....

I see Daniels cheeks burn a shade of cherry red. I just pick up my fork again and smile even more.

J: that's what I thought... daddy

He just looks up at me and runs his finger along his lip. God damnit did I just want to grab his collar and smash his lips into mine. Ugh fuck my hormones.

D: well ok since I'm daddy... ok baby? Let's go do something since we have nothing to do...

J: lets go roller skating

D: ok sounds like a plan

I start to get out my wallet and Daniel stops me. "I'll pay for today... my treat." I just put my wallet back in my skinny jeans. "Ok what ever you say... daddy"

I little later :)

Daniel pulls into the skating rink and it's packed. I mean like this place is very popular with our school. I'm pretty sure that's where they get 75% of their money. Also it's a Saturday so even more people are here.

I just roll my eyes and get out of the car. We came a little later than we should of so the line wouldn't be so long. I pull Daniel by his hand to the entrance before anyone else can line up.

Daniel pays for the both of us and he scratches the back of his head nervously.

J: Daniel what's wrong?

D: I've never really learned how to skate...?

J: don't worry I'm great at it, I'll help you.

I start to buckle up my in lines and Daniel ties his roller skates. I stand up immediately and hold out my hand. He holds it and I help him up. He kicks his feet a little and almost falls. I catch him a little and he stands up straight. He laughs nervously and I just smile.

J: come on to the floor... I'll skate backwards

I lead Daniel over to the floor. I let him step on first, I step on backwards.

I lace my hands with his and start moving my feet.

J: ok Daniel move your feet off of the ground like you are walking ok?

Daniel just nods his head. He looks at his feet and starts moving them. I start picking up the speed and he keeps up with me.

J: ok Daniel I'm going to skate in front of you and you hold my hands ok? I'm going to let you see how it feels to go fast.

I let go of Daniel for a little and spin around. I hold my hands behind me and he holds onto me.

J: ok Daniel I am a professional speed skater so I'm not going to go as fast as I can ok?

D: ok...?

J: ready?

D: yeah go ahead, I bet it's not even that fast.

J: oh really?

I start moving my feet and picking up the pace.

J: Daniel I'll just drag you, don't move your skates.

D: you know I know how to skate right? I was joking

Daniel starts to laugh and I let go of his hands. I start to speed up even faster and he catches up to me immediately. So we are speeding around the rink, weaving through people.

So in this rink the owner watches over people to find the fastest. He chooses two people to group against each other to race.... the winner wins a free pair of speed skates. He only chooses racers every 6 months on any night he wants... I guess this night was it...?

I hear someone speak over a microphone. "Hello everyone! I am the owner of this rink and I have decided that today was going to be a race!"

I glare over and see him skating over to me and Daniel.

"I have chosen these two fine skaters to go up against each other... do you need to barrow a pair of speed skates?"

D: um yeah... I left mine at home

J: oh yeah can I barrow some too...

He leads us over to the back room.

J: Daniel I can't believe that you lied to me about not being able to skate?

D: well I thought it was funny also I may or may not of just wanted to hold your hand...

I punch Daniel lightly and start to lace up the blades.

I stand up and they fit perfectly. They always do the race in the dark with black lights on. They give each player a neon colored helmet and same color skates.

I guess I am pink and Daniel is blue. I just strap on my helmet and look at Daniel.

J: good luck...

D: I mean we don't even need speed skates... we have our own

J: well it's always nice to have an extra pair I guess, maybe if a friend needs to barrow a pair.

The owner leads us to the starting line, which is neon orange tape.

"Ok now who ever skates around the rink 10 times with out falling wins the race..."

I joey nod and look over at Daniel. I see that he is already read to start skating. Like is stance is perfect... I can't believe he was acting all like "I CANT SKATE HELP ME!" And now he is all like, "BITCH JUST BLOW THE FUCKING HORN SO I CAN BEAT THIS KID!"

I hear the horn blow and I kick off... speeding past Daniel. I bend my back around the bend and take it sharp.

Hopefully I can beat Daniel....

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