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Madeline's POV

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Madeline's POV

"Wakey, wakey," I said, shoving the curtain open with my hip. "Eggs and bakey."

I flicked on the lamp and set breakfast on the table before softly climbing into bed beside him, pushing his hair from his face. "Harry.."

He groaned softly, not opening his eyes. I was about to pull the blanket from his body when I caught his black boxers from the ground.

"Are you naked?"

A soft smile spread across his lips as his eyes cracked open. "Sorry, love."

"Jesus Christ, H." I laughed, jumping from the bed.

He turned over, face down on the bed as he closed his eyes again. The white duvet over his body offset his tan arms, the black inking on his skin. I loved his tattoos, he had gotten a few more since I'd seen him last, but I've yet to ask him about it. His cross necklace hung from his neck, dangling over his inked skin.

"I've got breakfast for you, I wasn't sure if you wanted to get up now or sleep for a few more hours, you don't have to get up for a while."

He sighed deeply, running his hands over his face before tucking his hand underneath the duvet. "I need a shower anyways."

"I also brought this," I said, handing him the Aspirin. "I figured you've got it worse than I do."

He wrapped his hand around the bottle, his long fingers over mine. "Thanks, El."

I pulled my hand away, starting towards the door. "Welcome."


"You know you can talk to me if something's wrong," Harry nudged me with his elbow as I stood in his dressing room. "You've been acting rather strange since this morning."

I shrugged. "One of those days, I guess."

Harry had this certain attraction to him, not strictly to his looks, but more to his aura. This happy, comforting spirit that even if you in the same room as him, you felt welcomed. He made you feel upbeat and happy, made someone's whole day by just sending them a smile. When I was near him, I could feel his happy mood practically vibrating off him, coming onto me.

Harry knew me like the back of his hand. I couldn't lie about that, I couldn't deny it because I knew he did. Even if I felt down for 2 seconds, he was there, cheering me up. Sometimes, it was absolutely irking. Sometimes I wanted to tell him to fuck off and let me deal with my problems on my own, but I knew I couldn't. He was only trying to help.

"Talk to me, Ellie." He said, sitting beside me on the couch, his shoulder pressed against mine.

"H, I'm not in the mood, please, just get ready for the show." I mumbled, leaving the dressing room, the walkie talkie hooked in the back of my jeans.


I sat in the bar after the show, watching as Harry laughed, a girl hanging on his arm. I couldn't help the utter repulsion that coursed through me as she titled her head back in a laugh, her hand sliding down his arm.

Harry and I weren't together, so I couldn't walk over there and give her a piece of my mind. All I could do was sit back and watch as the two laughed it up, more than likely ending the night in his hotel room.

Harry glanced at me, but I quickly turned away, drinking what was left of my vodka soda before making me way upstairs- rather stumbling- I had a bit more than I thought I did.

I was nearly to the elevator when I felt a hand on the small of my back, turning to meet the blue eyes of a young man, an evident smile on his face.

"You got it there, ma'am?" He asked in a deep southern accent.

"Please don't call me ma'am." I chuckled, wrapping my hand around his arm for stability.

"What room are you in?" He asked me just as someone's arm wrapped around my waist.

"There you are," Harry smiled brightly at me. "I've been looking for you, babe."

Blue eyed beauty's smile fell as he took a step back. 

"Sorry, mate, she's taken." Harry chuckled, pressing his lips against my temple.

I got in the elevator as blue eyes decided to take the stairs, leaving Harry and I alone. I grumbled lowly at him, getting to my room before I punched him in the goddamn throat.

"Madeline, wait for me, you're gonna trip." He chuckled, his hands snaking around my waist.

I grabbed his hand, shoving it from my body. I was absolutely fusing with anger at this point. What right did he have to do that?

I was nearly in my room now, about to slam to door when Harry's hand landed on it, keeping it open.

"What do you want, Harry?" I nearly yelled at him.

"What the hell's your problem?" He asked, keeping his hand on the door.

"What right do you have to flirt it up with a slut in the bar but I can't even speak to a man without you in my goddamn business?" I said to him.

"Flirt it up in a bar- what are you going on about?"

"The beautiful man was helping me up to my room, Harry, maybe he was flirting, but you were chatting it up with that girl in the bar so-"

"We were having a conversation, Ellie, I wasn't taking her to my room or anything," he rolled his eyes. "That guy was going to take advantage of you."

"You don't know that, I'm not your girlfriend!" I shoved a finger in his chest. "You don't get to do that, Harry."

"I was protecting you from him, are you seri-"

"I don't need you to protect me, Harry!" I said to him.

"You didn't think that that night with Ben, did you?"

I raised my hand, about to collide with his face, but I stopped myself. "You have no right-"

"Your sudden pushing me away is getting old, Madeline."

"I don't need you to protect me, Harry, get that through your head," I said, my finger pressing into his chest again. "I am a grown ass woman, I don't need a man watching my every move."

"This whole 'I don't need a man' thing is getting old, every time something goes sour for you, who do you call?"

I rolled my eyes, looking away. 

"You call me," he said, leaning to look at me. "And guess what? I always come."

"I didn't need you for two years, I don't need you now," I said. "So, go to bed."

I tried to close the door but he wasn't budging. I groaned loudly, sitting on the bed with my arms crossed. 

"The sad part is you can treat me however you want to because in the end, you know that I'll always be here waiting for you."

He closed the door softly as I dug my face in pillow, sobbing softly. 

The sad part was that I knew he was right.

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