~ Protecting you ~

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Jungkook's POV

" Jeon Jungkook! Come over here!"
Manager called out for me as soon as she saw me picking up my bag.

"Yes?" I walked over to her and gave a confused look.

"When you're not performing, go clean up the tables and served the customers!" She rested her hands on the side of her hips just like how my mother always did.

"But--" when I was about to continue, she interrupted, "no buts! And remember you're not allowed to drink and get drunk during working hours, is that clear?"

" Y-yes, manager-nim," I pursed my lips and soon started my work for the night. I cleaned up the utensils and plates used, cleaned up the tables and also made several orders for the customers. I somehow enjoy what I am doing right now.

Its just one thing that kept on bothering me, I never get to serve the private room, where the boss of this bistro is in there.

"hey, handsome!" while I was bending down to clean up some used plates and glasses, I heard someone calling for me from behind.

"Did you call me?" I then walked over to a table of four ladies in their 40s with strong makeup and disgusting perfume.

" my friend over here is drunk, can you help her with a drink?" one of the lady stood up and placed her hand on my shoulder.

Eww..her smeared mascara though.

" sorry, I'm not allowed to drink while working. And I suck at drinking." I waved my hands several times to emphasize that I really can't drink.

To my surprise, another lady who sits at the end of the table pulled out a few notes from her purse and slammed it on the table, "if you drink it, take this money."

Wow, that's a lot of money. Then, I will not have to worry about my accomdation for the next few nights when I leave the hostel tomorrow.

During my hesistation, the lady who was standing next to me just now pulled out some notes from her pouch as well and placed on top of the stack of money, "if you finished mine as well, these money are all yours."

I inhaled and took a small sip of the liquor. Gosh, what are these? But no matter what, for the sake of these money, I will drink it.

Just when I was about to continue with the business, someone took the glass away from me and swollow everything down, including the second glass on the table.

" Park Jimin?"

what is he doing here? And why is he here? And why did he came to help me? Trains of question running through my mind and they seemed unstoppable.

"wow, what a good drinker." one of the lady praised Jimin for his such amazing drinking skills.

"so, can I take these money now?" he changed the subject.

" be my guest." the lady open her arms as if she gave in to Jimin.

With that, Jimin just take the money from the table and to my surprise, he dragged me along with him, again.

He pulled me into the private room where I which I could go in just now.

He shut the door that I startled a little due to the loud sound.

"don't you know that you aren't allow to drink during work? And from what I know, you're still underage right?" Jimin adjusted his leather jacket and sat down on the cushion.

" I- I .. have no choice," I answered with my voice shivering.

" what do you mean by you have no choice?" he scoffed. I wonder why does he care so much?

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