~ Eye contact ~

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The place that Jimin has brought me to is actually an indoor stadium that has a very huge space in the middle.

The aura of the place just gave out a magical-like feeling, a place where you would not want to leave, making you start questioning yourself if you have walked into one of the parts in the fairy tales.

The lightings are decorated with milky-yellow LED lights, hanging up high all over the stadium, accompanied by the helium balloons sticking against the ceiling.

Not only that, normal colourful balloons are scattered all over the floor, we somehow have some difficulties walking through the area.

Jimin is still not letting go my hand, he guided me all the way until we reach about the end of the stadium and that is when I saw a table that was nicely decorated with candles, flowers, and freshly cooked western dinner for two.

This time, he let go of me and went over to the chair on the right side, slowly dragging it out, signalling me to take my seat.

"t-thanks," I stuttered as I sat down on the chair that he pulled it out for me.

"you're welcome, Kookie," this long lost nickname, it's been a total of six months I have not heard it slipping out his tongue.

He took the seat in front of me and gave me his smile again.

I can say, this time meeting him again after so long, he truly changes into someone different. He smiles a lot, he was being so sweet and warm-hearted ever since the moment we reunited.

Where is the old Park Jimin?

I miss it, but I think I like the new him more.

"do you like the place?" he asked, staring intensely at me as they sent a hot flush throughout my body.

I looked around the amazingly wonderful place one more time before smiling and nodding my head in approval.

I heard him chuckled before I threw a question at him, "why did you prepare this, J-Jimin?" still feeling weird for addressing by his real name.

"anything for you," he leaned back.

I looked away nervously, but I know I will never hide the red glow that came over my face.

We both stayed in silence until Jimin mentioned that we should just start digging in as our food are getting cold.

Throughout the time while we are having our dinner, none of us spoken. However, the silence was comfortable, only a few times of noticing Jimin spared me a few stolen glances when I peeped up at him.

That was when both of us made a few times of meaningful eye contacts and Jimin showering me with the most attractive smile of his.

"so...are you working every day?" he finally started a conversation.

I nodded, "but I've classes until afternoon so I'll go to work after that."

He widens his eyes a little a surprise, "so you managed to pass your test?"

"y-yeah I did, two months ago," I rubbed my nape shyly.

"that's good, congratulations," he flashed his most winning smile.

"thanks Jimin," I smiled back, with my eyes twinkling at Jimin's beauty.

We both shared another intimate eye contact, locked onto each other's gaze as if they were magnets.

"so uhm, mind telling me about you and Taehyung-ssi?" I kind of feel proud at myself from being able to ask him sensitive questions like this.

I could see how he hesitated at the first few moments but soon sitting up in a straight position as he cleared his throat before replying, "we broke up last month, probably coming to two months in a week's time,"

"w-why? I thought-"

Before I could even finish, he cuts me off, "thought that I was so in love with him?"

I nodded in response.

"I thought so as well, but ever since you came into my life, I guessed things just weren't the same anymore," he clarifies, "and he noticed it too, we quarrelled for a few times at first but in the end both of us just decided to go separate ways."

"I-I'm sorry for ruining your relationship with him," I lowered down my head and bite my lip.

"what're you talking about, silly. There's nothing to blame you about, if I was so in love with him, I wouldn't have fallen for the second one."

I stared at him in confusion, waiting for him to continue.

"it was you, all these while," he paused as our eyes met, and that is when I know for once and for the first time in forever, our hearts connected as well.

"J-Jimin..." I called out his name but there's nothing could come out from my mouth as if there is a lump in my throat.

He smiled a little before saying, "I've wasted such a long time to discover who is the one that truly has my heart, wasted so much time to really realize that extraordinary feeling that you're giving me, and I'm sure no one else makes me feel the way you did,"

"but Taehyung-" I did not finish the sentence because I had no idea how should I react to these, not knowing if Jimin really did let him go, and move on.

"I know what you're trying to say, I've made it very clear with him. I've move on earlier than I thought. At the very moment you left I thought I can make you feel better that way, but it kills me. I'm feeling at my worst every day, and feeling absolutely bad for not treating Taehyung genuinely."

He confessed for the very first time, seeing him opening up himself makes me feel a lot more different and allows me to take another big step closer to him.

"and what really matters is, I was feeling at the worst for not being able to tell you I love you," he continued as he chuckled to himself, probably feeling embarrassed after that.

A sudden acceleration of my bloodstream throughout my body parts, butterflies in my stomach flapping their wings to the beat of my heart and the next moment I realized my face heated up, became a crimson rose.

"I didn't know you feel the same way for me too," my voice trembling due to the aftermath of Jimin's sudden confession.

"probably not the same," he smirked.

"huh?" I raised my brows.

"my love for you might be more."


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Don't forget to check out my other books as well!
lots of love xoxo

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