~ Anything for you ~

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Jimin was scrolling his phone in the living room while waiting for Jungkook to get ready before they head out for dinner together.

"erm, boss? I'm done," Jimin was a little bit startled by Jungkook who suddenly appear behind him, quietly.

"can you at least, don't come from my back next time?" Jimin rolled his eyes and walked away from the couch, heading to his car that was parked outside. Jungkook just lowered his head down and stuck out his tongue in embarrass before following behind Jimin.

As soon as Jungkook reached the car, he already saw the door on the passenger side was opened. Did he just opened it for me?

"what're you waiting for?" Jimin's voice pulled him back to earth which made him swiftly hop on the car before Jimin sped off.

During their car ride, both of them did not talk much. Jungkook just hummed to the songs playing on the radio while enjoying the breeze as they cut across his soft and smooth face.

Time to time, he would take his chance to peep at Jimin who was so concentrate on the driving or maybe thinking about something else.

"what do you wanna eat?" Jimin broke the silence.

"uhm, anything you want to?"

Jimin pursed his lips and thought for a while before asking again, "what's your favourite food?"

"I-Italian food?" Jungkook answered carefully.

Instead of replying, Jimin just make a U-turn and went to where they came from just now and turned into a junction before stopping in front of an Italian restaurant.

"get down," Jimin stated as he got down the car after turning off the engine.

Jungkook just smiled warm-heartedly before unbuckling the seatbelts and got down the car. Both of them walked into the restaurant to be greeted by a few waitresses.

The restaurant was looking so romantic that their designs and decorations make everything look so expensive. Jungkook cannot keep his eyes off the ambience of the place and admire how unique the structure of the building.

He was so immerse in his own world until Jimin grabbed his hand, signalling him to take the opposite seat in front of him.

"can I take your order?" the waitress asked. Jungkook opened the book of menu, only to be shocked by how dear the prices of meals here. A main course dinner might probably costs him a month's pocket money.

"I think I'll just have a glass of ice water," he odered before closing the menu and pushed it aside.

"we don't come here for ice water, stupid," Jimin's voice sounded as hot melted dark chocolate with his eyes still scanning the menu, thinking about what to eat.

"can we have two sets of main course, blueberry muffins for dessert and we will have a bottle of white wine, thanks." He then handed over the menu to the waitress.

Jimin rested both of his crossed arms on the table before staring at Jungkook as if he wants to brun a hole on his face.

"boss, do you how expensive their meals are?" Jungkook whispered.

"its not like I can't afford," Jimin replied coldly which earns a pout from the younger.

"you don't have to worry about any shit when you're with me. You can depend on me."

"really?" Jungkook widen his eyes.

"if you want to," Jimin leaned back still with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

They spent their time together having meals, quietly but not awkward. Little did Jungkook knows, Jimin always smile comfortly whenever he sees Jungkook enjoying his food, just a kid with no worries. How he wished he could.

After finishing their dinner, they walked out of the restaurant with a bloated stomach. Jungkook then suggested, "boss, why don't we take a walk down the streets? It seems they are selling a lot of cool stuffs!" Taehyung's favourite night market.

Both of them scrolled along the street accompanied by various of stalls selling different kind of goods. Jimin kept his hands in his pockets all the type as he was feeling a bit cold. His mind can't seems to stop him drifting back to memories he had a few years back with Taehyung.

"boss! Look at this! Its so cute, isn't it?" Jungkook picked up one of the Iron man plushie and showed it to Jimin.

Jimin just blinked and nodded. He is just not in the mood but if Jungkook wanted to come here, he will do it just for the sake of him.

"you don't like it?" Jungkook's smile that was plastered on his face all the time soon disappear.

His words hit Jimin so hard that he quickly responded, "do you like it?"

"Yes! I love Iron Man!" the smile came back and it somehow warms Jimin's heart a little.

Jimin then pulled out some notes from his pocket and handed over to the lady who was standing by the stall.

"you-you don't have to," Jungkook tried to stop Jimin from doing so since he is already more than grateful that Jimin was already doing so much for him.

"can we go somewhere else Jungkook? This place is so crowded," Jimim simply comes up with an excuse and soon turned around and walked away with a helpless Jungkook trailing behind.

They had no idea how long they have been walking until they ended up in a park. It was light up by a few street lights by the side and there are some couples having their sweet time on the benches, and some were sitting on the huge field.

Jimin patted the grass as soon as he sat down on it, asking Jungkook to take the empty space next to him. Jimin gazed up at the night grey sky with wonder and fascination.

The late evening was beautiful with its borderless flow of clarity:  the vast, seemingly empty sky stretched out for infinity; it had a smattering of low level flat clouds that were spread-out to the horizon; the milky cotton ball clouds obstructed potions of the endless sky that showed off its infinite beauty; the sky's hue darkened as the sun slowly set in a magnificent flourish of ribbon-like fire; the brilliant sun rays gleam outlined the cotton-ball clouds in a blazing glow that signified the end of the day.

"boss, are you okay?" Jungkook turned around and then met with a pair of shiny and watery eyes.

Jimin then looked up to the sky again.

"what is it like to be feeling okay?" he then asked. Jungkook definitely do not have the idea to answer this question. All he knows is the person that is sitting next to him right now is feeling at his worst.

"I've quit everything he dislikes, stopped everything he doesn't want me to continue. Ended all contacts with people he hates. But still, he's not coming back to me. I've been waiting and waiting," Jimin's voice shivered as if he's trying so hard not to cry.

"I really don't know what should I do anymore." Jimin finally poured his hearts out to Jungkook whom he just met a few days ago. He buried his face in his palms to prevent Jungkook to see how ugly his sobbing face is right now.

Jungkook just stayed in silence until Jimin calms himself down, he sniffed and lifted his head, "I'm sorry, shouldn't have tell you stuffs-"

Before Jimin could finished, Jungkook just pulled him into his embrace and buried Jimin's head in his broad chest. He is always bad at comforting people and he will always run away whenever people tell him about their problems.

But this time, he is not going to run away. He will stay for this guy he is hugging now. He knows that he might not in the place to do these to Jimin but he will never leave.

At this very moment, he swore to god.

I'm running out of ideas, hope this isn't lame lol
And and and tysm for 1k reads! Omg.

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