~ Are you? ~

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I don't know how long I have been staring at him as soon as I woke up from the short nap. I scoffed at my thoughts, like why on earth do I have to save him? Trying to protect him? Wanting him to stay?

I licked my lips and cleared my throat as I saw Jungkook moving his body and slowly open his eyelids.

" you're late, it's my lunch time," I said coldly only to see him effortlessly got up from the couch and walked over to me.

"what you want for lunch?" he tidied his clothes and messy hair.

"get a set of kimchi fried rice, a set of dumpling and orange juice." I said while handling him the money that I fished out from my wallet.

" it's too much," he return me a few notes, telling me that I gave him extra, "buy yourself a lunch too." I said while turning my head to the other side to avoid him from seeing how red my face has gone.

"ohh, o-okay." He answered and soon got out of the room.

"Aish! PARK JIMIN!" I ruffled my hair in frustration. What on earth is happening to me?

At this time, the doctor came in and I asked him if I could discharge today. He agreed to it as he knew my injuries are actually not serious at all. I can actually rest at home.

Jungkook and I both finished our lunch and soon pack my stuffs and ready for discharge. We both walked to my car and when we are almost near to it, Jungkook stopped.

"What's wrong?" I asked him in confusion while cocking my head to the side.

" I thought I've finish my job here. You said I will take care of you until you recover," he exclaimed

which kind of remind me that, yeah right! I am still in pain, I am still a patient.

"oh," I coughed and gathered myself up before continuing, "yes I said that. But! I am not fully recovered so, you can't leave."

" what?" I ignored him and continue walking towards my car. I opened the car boot and throw my bag in it and leave the car boot opened, signaling him to place his bag in it.

I could see him left put a long sigh before obeying my words.

He got in the car and crossed his arms by giving me a pouty look. I secretly chuckled and leaned over my body in order for me to grab the seat belt next to Jungkook.

I could sense how stiffed he got when I got closer to him and he is trying hard not to breath.

"What..what are you doing!?" he yelled as my face is only a centi away from him, he shut his eyes and dare not make a move.

I just pulled the seat belt across him and buckled it for him.

"Safety first," with that, I could sense him gulped at my words and straighten his posture. Adorbs.

I turned on the engine of my car and shifted my gear before I heard someone calling me from my side, "boss."

I turned to see my followers and then back to meet with Jungkook's curious look.

"we're here to bring you back, and the project of searching him has been started," one of my follower reported, he is such a dumbass! Like how can he tells all these stuffs to me when Jungkook is here. He still had no inkling about the real identity of me, yet.

"report to me later," with that, I sped off as soon as possible to prevent them from continuing.

Throughout the car ride, Jungkook and I haven't been spoken anything, I was focusing on my driving and some parts of my mind has been drifting away to somewhere else until Jungkook broke the silence, "why did he calls you boss? And who are you searching for?"

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