~ Torn in Between ~

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Jimin slowly picked up the shattered pieces of the broken glasses, every move he makes, every precious tear of him dropped, along with his shattering heart.

He wanted him back, he misses him so much, just so much that probably every words combining together would never be enough to describe his desire.

He was his sunshine, his reason to smile, his reason to live, his reason to almost everything. Jimin's life was used to be a pitch of black, no colour, not even the colour of white, then Taehyung came in the picture, to make Jimin's life colourful, now he was gone, everything seemed to be so wrong, everything Jimin does just does not seemed so right the way it does anymore until someone else appeared – Jungkook.

His thoughts went back to the moment happened just a few minutes ago, he was actually on top of his rage when he spotted the room of Taehyung's room was wide open, and then there is Jungkook inside, exploring the place, he just couldn't help but to raise his voice at him. He had never once let anyone enter that room, not even his staffs. He will always do the cleaning all by himself. In short, he is still waiting.

He heaved a sigh as he recalled everything, he must have terrified the younger. Even though it was not his first time being pissed off at Jungkook, but somehow this time he felt it in a different way. He felt absolutely bad and sorry for doing so, he could not bear to see the younger getting hurt, or vice versa. When the younger dashed out of the room, there's something telling him that he should go after him. His broken heart at that time was silent, it can't be seen but the blood bleeds on the inside. But no, his instinct does not allow him to do so.

He had no inkling what was going on with him. He is torn between both of them, Taehyung and Jungkook.

He cleaned up the mess on the floor and dispose it into the trash bin and kept the picture into one of the drawers under the shelves.

He decided that he needed a time out, for real this time. He went out of the room and realized Jungkook was nowhere to be seen, he just cleared away the thoughts and realized that he really needed some time for himself, only himself.

So he drove his Porche to his own bistro and straight went to the bar, ignoring the greetings from his employees.

"10 shots of tequila," he ordered, he knew that he might gone a little bit too far for drinking liquor while he is still a patient with wounds. But he just could not careless, he is Park Jimin, the one who was always powerful, merciless and unpredictable.

He gobbled down 5 shots in a row and let out a satisfying sigh as the hot burning liquor slowing ran down his throat, giving him an amazing sensation, he had never felt so good. He found back his old self. The weak and useless one.

The one who would only know how to run away his problems, by drinking and torturing himself.

Only a minute passed, he took down another 5 straight shots.

Jungkook came out from his room that he hid in there for quite some time as he really did not know how to face Jimin anymore after that incident.

Jimin's room was still empty and he guessed Jimin must be in the kitchen or the living room, he told himself that sooner or later he will have to face him so why not face him now?

He walked down to the kitchen and searched around the house but to no avail, Jimin is not around. He let out a disappointed sigh before proceeding to the kitchen, he guessed he is going to make himself dinner tonight.

"Jungkook-sshi? How can I help you?" as Jungkook was searching for some ingredients in the refrigerator, one of the servant appeared from behind.

"o-oh, I was thinking of preparing my own dinner," he stated.

"better don't, Jungkook-sshi. If boss finds out that we make you prepare your own dinner by yourself, we will be fired." She then quickly walked over to the male and shut the door of the fridge.

"did he say so?" Jungkook crooked one side of his brows in surprised.

"yeah...he has ordered us." Jungkook can't help himself but to blush at the words, heart feeling warm as ever.

These days, just a little action of Jimin towards himself will definitely make him feels something extraordinary, causing a twist in his stomach.

He then nodded in response and lazily making his way out of the kitchen.

When he reached the entrance of the kitchen door, he froze.

Jimin just came back and looking as drunk as fuck. His face was flushed with the colour red and his steps were unstable.

Jimin's eyes slowly gaze up and stopped at the younger, which causes Jungkook to jerked back a little in fear. He is afraid that Jimin might do something unexpected towards him or he might beat him to death, he just doesn't know.

"J-jungkook..." he limped over to where Jungkook.

Jungkook caught him in no time so that he won't fall onto the ground, "boss? Are you alright?"

Jimin just locked his beautiful yet hurtful eyes with Jungkook, sending a shiver down the younger's spine.

Jungkook found unspoken words in his eyes, but they were so mesmerizing that Jungkook thought of needing a map as he was so lost in such pretty eyes of Jimin – his Jimin.

Instead of giving any reply, Jungkook felt a pair of warm hands slowly making its way around his waist. Jimin snuggled closer to the crook of Jungkook's neck and the younger male could feel Jimin's hot breath blowing against his skin, sending electric shock through his body parts.

"I-I sorry, Kookie-ah, so so sorry," Jimin mumbling against the fabric of Jungkook's shirt as he tightened his arms around the younger slim and toned waistline.

"it's really okay, boss... I'm the one who should be sorry,"

"no no, I'm...."

Before Jungkook could continue, he heard soft snoring sounds escaping from Jimin's mouth, he leaned his body a little further from him and realized that his boss has fallen asleep while Jungkook gave him full body support.

Jungkook let out a soft sigh as he chuckled at his boss's cuteness when he is drunk.

With that, Jungkook lower down his body level slightly to meet the older as he snaked his arms under Jimin's back and below knee in order for him to carry him successfully in bridal style.

As if Jimin as found his support, he snuggled so close to Jungkook like his dear life is depending on it.

Jungkook gently placed Jimin on his bed and cover him with blanket, he could not resist himself from caressing the drunk male's cheeks, and down to his sharp yet perfect jawline. The person in front of him is just too breath taking to even hold himself back.

Jimin just looks like a toddler now without any worries bothering him, as if even the end of the world would not be a problem to him as well, Jungkook smiled in comfort as he scanned Jimin's magnificent features, eyes can't seem to leave for a second.

He just like this person so much, or could he now says he love this person so much?

Feedbacks are very much appreciated :)))

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