~ Be happy ~

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Minutes passed like days; days passed like years, its been three months since the incident happened.

After the moment Jimin left the room, Namjoon ordered his followers to release Taehyung and I just like how the deal he made with Jimin goes. When both of us left the building, there's already no sign of Jimin.

We do not where he has been brought to, is he alive or dead? We had no idea.

All we know is, Jimin that idiot has sacrificed himself just to save us from the monster's jaw, reconcile with the demons within himself, but bringing misery to both Taehyung and I.

Taehyung went back to Daegu to live with his parents however both of us are still keeping in touch as we are still in search for Jimin.

Even though we knew the chances of Jimin being alive is very mile, however we still wanted to see him, even for one last time. Even if its his dead body, we would want to witness it ourselves.

If I could turn back time, I would choose not to meet Jimin; not to fall for him and love him till the moon back, so that I would not have to suffer so much.

I want to reset time. If only I could.

Waiting for Jimin to come back is like chasing the clouds, a never ending journey, a place where I will never reach.

Indeed, love is painful; goodbyes are more painful.

Ever since the moment Jimin went out of my sight, I knew I was going to lose him forever. The thought of is still depressing, even if I already suspected it.

Everything occurs around me as if nothing happened before, but I knew I would never be able to find the meaning or pleasure in anything ever again.

Every day without fail, I would visit Jimin's house, pretending that he is actually there, feeling his non-existence warmth, has hallucination about him talking to me, whispering sweet nothings into my ears as I cuddle his pillows and would fall asleep on his bed some nights.

Every corner of the house is like our memory, haunting me every day and night. Sometimes I would just stand in a particular corner, recalling every memory I had with him; the thought of it its like a flame has burnt through everything you believed in; like it demolished all that's true, like you have been ripped apart.


Today is just like any other days, I woke up and attended both of my classes. I tried my best to pay full attention to the class as I am having my year-end exam in mere few weeks.

Haejin and I have been separated to different classes as for the last semester both of us are taking up different courses, so the time of us seeing each other are very less which kind of good to me as I don't have to face her which will lead us to more awkward situations.

Sometimes, we would experience a few eye contacts during break time while we were having our meals in the cafeteria, I tried to smile back but she would always be the one who looked away.

Since then, I would try not to look around the place, hoping I would have a chance to smile at her and we will be good friends again. I would not want to try anymore for someone who doesn't appreciate whatever I do but will only do everything from her own perspective.

The only person that I will not give up is Jimin, and only Jimin.

I will be having my graduation ceremony this year-end, how I wish Jimin will be there with me; sitting next to my parents as I go up to the stage to receive my certificate, witnessing part of my success in life.

But I guess all these will only happen in my dreams.

I have decided to go back and pay my parents a visit today, its been quite a few months since I last went back. Ever since Jimin's departure, I am already not in the mood for anything.

What keeps me accompany was music, music and still music.

Sometimes, I would give Taehyung a buzz, asking how was he doing and he promised to visit me as soon as possible. I am actually grateful that he is not mad about me snatching Jimin away from him, he is still willing to talk to me and sometimes help me with some problems faced in daily life.

I greeted my parents as soon as I walked in the house.

"oh, Jeon Jungkook? what brings you home?" my mom questioned as she saw me.

"I just miss you guys," I answered simply.

"you looked tired, Jungkook. is everything okay? You know you can tell us," my dad gave me a slight pat on the back.

I shook and lowered down my head, I was fine right before I came in, but as soon as they started asking me and showing me care, tears just can't help but to escape.

"I-I'm fine.." my voice cracked.

"why son? Why're you crying? Tell mum," my mum pulled me into her embrace, trapping me in between her arms as I could feel her never ending warmth.

I cried as hard as I could, releasing every tension, frustration, sadness and anger that I have been keeping to myself for so long.


"what's wrong with Jimin, hmm?" my mum caressed my hair as my dad stood aside, waiting patiently for me to spill the everything out.

"h..he left."

"to where?"

"he's dead." I blurted out the words that I don't want to hear the most, especially it is what happening on Jimin.

The arms that were wrapped around me the whole time loosen, she pulled away from her as she looked into my eyes, trying to search for answers.

"w-what did you just say?"

"he's dead! Jimin is dead!" I cried as I crouched down to the ground, knees feeling weak, body trembling as I sobbed even harder every time Jimin came into my mind.

"how come?" my dad finally spoke something as he squatted down to my level while he rubbed my back up and down to calm me down.

I tried my very best to calm myself down, recollect my thoughts and take a deep breath before blurting everything out of myself, pouring my hearts out.

My tears never once stopped while telling my parents every single details that happened, not missing out the fact that I'm actually a gay.

They were shocked at first, but my dad then said they already see this coming ever since I brought Jimin back. They knew things between Jimin and I weren't actually that simple, however they just let me be in my own way, all they wanted was me to be happy.

I am so touched by their words and how supportive my parents are, they not only did not stop me from being who I really am, they kept on gave me encouragement words, telling me that Jimin will always stay in my heart even though he is not by my side.

But, how am I going to be happy now?

My sunshine, my happiness, my life has now gone. There is already no reason for me to stay in this world anymore.

I wanted to meet Jimin, I am dying to see him.

If only tears could heal the pain I am feeling right now, I'll be spending my whole life crying because I know I'll stay in love with him for the rest of my life but he will never come back.

Is it all I can do now is wait, and wait?

my dear Jimin, where the hell are you?

author's note:

guess the story will be ending real soon, how was this chapter guys? sorry for breaking your fragile hearts!

but still don't hate me, do leave your comments and votes!

See you guys soon!

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