~ Don't give up ~

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Jungkook's mouth was hanging slightly opened as soon as he heard the older. He's really a gang leader?

"and the guy, who left me was Taehyung," Jimin continued with a heavy heart yet in a very calm tone of voice.

"who is he?" Jungkook gulped and took the seat in front of Jimin's large and marble glass desk.

"he's my boyfriend," he chuckled in a sarcastic tone before continuing, "but I guess, he has already counted me as his ex-"

Jungkook just do not know what to say, what to respond, he just knows that his heart is slowly breaking apart, shattering into pieces upon hearing that statement.

"t-then wh-where is he now?" his voice trembling a little.

"I don't know."


"all I know is, he might not come back and all I can do is wait, and wait until the end of the day."

"and why did he left?"

"he hated everything I did, he hated the fact that I'm a gang leader, he hated my job, literally my everything," water started to form at the corner of Jimin's eyes.

"then why did he be with you at the first place?" Jungkook raised his voice and who the hell knows why is he in such anger?

"he thought he can changed me but he didn't know everything I've done is for the sake of him and myself." Jimin stated further.

Jungkook kept in silence and waiting for the gang leader to continue.

"have you ever thought that the strong, merciless, unbeatable Park Jimin was once a weakling, a nerd, the one who always got bullied, made fun of?" Jimin looked straight into Jungkook's eyes as if he is searching for an answer.

"but now, that Park Jimin has no longer exists. This is why everything I did, has a reason, Jungkook-ah"

Jungkookk blinked his eyes in confusion, is it that what he just heard was true? Park Jimin was a hipster? A weakling? Jungkook adjusted his position and licked his dried and slightly cracked lips.

"are you possibly waiting for his return?" Jungkook cautiously asked.

This question has made the older fell into a deep pool of hesitation. Am I still waiting? Have I moved on?

Both of them staring into each other as if the time has stopped ticking, the world has stop orbiting.  

Jungkook's cold gaze was fixed on Jimin while the older blinked the next second and looked away.

"from the day I started to wait, I already swear that I'll wait till the end of the day," he replied while adjusted his eyes back to the younger.

All he got in return was Jungkook nodding to him in understanding.

"so, you built this place on your own?" Jungkook changed the topic.

"yeah, I bought the land and asked someone to build it." Jimin answered and once again earning a nod from Jungkook.

Jungkook wasn't in the mood for anything right now, he just wished to leave this place, leave Jimin and everything behind and never come back. However, the other part of him does not want any single thing about these to happen.

"b-boss, can we leave this place already? I'm not feeling very well." Instead of waiting for any reply, he just walked out of Jimin's room, leaving a clueless Jimin still in his position. What is going on with him?

Along the car ride out of the place, no one spoke. Jungkook was staring out the window all the time and Jimin on the other side wonder what just happened? Did he said the wrong thing which caused the younger to be such a bad mood?

"a-are you alright?" Jimin finally asked while peeking at him.

"I'm just tired, focus on your driving, boss." Jungkook stated coldly and shut his eyes in order not to let Jimin continue asking.

His response has leads the awkward silence starting to form in between them. I guess I should find out about this later. Jimin thought.

As soon as they reached home, Jungkook just got out of the car once Jimin parked his car in front of the mansion.

"ya, Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin went after him and raised his voice enough for the younger to stop his track.

"what on earth is going with you? You have been avoiding me since just now? Is there anything I've done wrong?" Jimin grabbed onto Jungkook's wrist and pulled him forcefully, causing the latter to spin around and face himself.

"you did nothing wrong," he replied coldly while locking his gaze at the floor.

"then why're you being so fucked up?!"

"so being moody about what you've told me was fucking up the whole thing? I'm just angry with myself, hated myself that I like you so much, Park Jimin."

"what're you talking about?" Jimin released Jungkook's wrist and gasped.

"I know I'm not in the right place to have feelings for you, m-maybe I'm just thankful of everything you've done, maybe I thought that you might forget the person and moved on to a new life, or maybe-"

Without waiting for him to continue, Jimin just pulled Jungkook into his embrace, wrapping his arms around the frail body.

"thank you, for liking me," Jimin said while pressing Jungkook's head slightly closer to his neck.

Jungkook somehow felt undeniably safe in his arms, feeling the life in him, blood pumping in his veins, trapping himself in the never-ending warmth.

Jimin asked Jungkook to come to his room after shower so he did what the older told him to. He sat on his bed while waiting for Jimin who was still in the shower, he looked around his room and admire the paintings on the wall and how well-organized Jimin's room is.

Deep in his own world, he could not help but to recall the short yet unforgettable hug they both shared not long ago.

"sorry to keep you waiting, Kookie," Jungkook can't helped but to blush at the nickname coming out from Jimin's mouth while he came out from the bathroom, fully dressed.

"i-its fine."

"So, Kook-" right before Jimin could continue, Jungkook interrupt, "boss! Let's play a game."

Jimin raised one of his brows at his request as he placed his butt on the empty space next to Jungkook.

"do you have pens and small piece of paper?" Jimin was absolutely being curious about it but he still went to take the stuffs that Jungkook wanted.

Jungkook then gave Jimin a pen and a piece of paper and have the same thing for himself as well, "boss, now all you have to write is what you want me to do after 1 month. After that time, we will both open the piece of paper then we will have to accomplish the tasks that we have asked each other to do!" he explained.

"why so?" Jimin questioned.

"just do it!" Jungkook whined and pouted which makes Jimin to chuckle a little. Even if Jimin thinks that this game is ridiculous, he still obeyed the younger's request anyway, as long as Jeon Jungkook is happy, he is happy.

Both of them then started to write what they want each other to do after a period of time.

Jungkook was so concentrate in writing the task that he did not even notice Jimin was observing him the whole time, staring at him for God-knows how long before writing down:

"Don't give up on liking me."

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