~ His Return ~

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Jimin woke up to a heavy weight on his left arm, he blinked his eyes a few times to adjust himself to the brightness of the room.

He looked to the side on to find Jungkook buried his head in his own arms while accompanying himself throughout the night. He can't stop himself but to feel touched by this small action of the younger.

He sat up from his position and groaned at the pain forming in his head, the aftermath of drinking like a mad.

Jungkook woke up following next, scrutinized the surrounding and stretch his arms as soon as he noticed why he ended up here.

"ouch!" he groaned in pain when he felt a sting on his back, probably due to the long hours of sleeping in a crunching position next to Jimin.

"Are you alright?" Jimin jolted in shocked, placing his hand on Jungkook's back and asked with full of concern, only earning a nod from him.

"Are you sure?" Jimin asked again when he saw how Jungkook shut his eyes tightly as the pain forming on his back was unbearable.

Jimin was feeling terribly guilty for causing this trouble, if he wasn't drunk last night, Jungkook wouldn't have to accompany him here the whole night.

But only if Jungkook doesn't fall for him, doesn't care for him.

Jungkook stood up on his feet, and was about to walk out when Jimin grabbed onto his wrist, holding him back. He turned around and raised his brows at the older who is now standing behind him.

"I'm sorry, for real this time. About everything that happened yesterday." Jimin's sincere tone of voice sounded like hot dark chocolate that Jungkook might melt in any minute from now.

Jungkook lowered down his head as if their feet were the most fascinating thing, he did not know what to say, what reply should he gives to Jimin. All he could is stare up to Jimin again whose eyes full of uncountable questions, too confusing for Jungkook to figure out everything.

Jimin's being is not a whole, some part of him is missing somewhere, waiting for something to fix it, heal it.

Just an emptiness, like he will never feel love again. That is what Jungkook somehow finds it in Jimin's lost eyes.

"I'm gonna go out for a while," with that, Jungkook slipped out of Jimin's tight grip and soon went out of the room.

Jimin ruffled his hair in frustration as he dropped back to his bed, he is such an idiot when it comes to relationship, every single fucking time. He heaved a sigh as he stare at his room ceiling, trains of thoughts running over in his mind, didn't he already promised himself he won't hurt Jungkook anymore, not even a single time?

But what on earth is he doing right now? He mentally slapping himself hard.

Jungkook do not know how long he has been walking on the quiet street, his mind is drifting somewhere else as if his soul has also left his body. He walked into a random café down the road and went to the counter.

On his way, he accidentally bumped into someone who was about his height.

"I'm-" Jungkook stopped when he was absolutely amazed by this good-looking guy in front him. His caramel coloured hair, eyes that might drowned you in any second, well-defined nose and chin and a killer smile painted on his face.

But everything feels so familiar, he must have seen this guy somewhere, Jungkook thought.

His smile, his eyes, everything about him.

Something seemed to twinkle in his mind when he slowly drifted back to all the photos he had seen in Jimin's office building, and the room – Taehyung's room.

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