~ Official ~

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Jimin's smile is basically the sweetest thing I have ever seen in the world, its like no matter how rich you are; your money will forever be nothing compared to that sunshine smile.

He snaked his arms around my waist from behind as he snuggled closer to me while both of us standing at the veranda, feeling the cold air of spring blowing against our skin.

Heat transferring from Jimin's body to mine, allowing me to feel his warm presence around me, making me feel safe and sound.

"Kookie..." he called for me as the hot breath of his tickling the crook of my neck.

I hummed in response, trying not to feel absolutely turned on by his raspy yet sweet voice.

"I love you," he mumbled.

I swear to God, no matter how many times he confessed or whispering 'I love you' to my ears will never seemed to be enough, I will never get tired of it.

Being with him, I feel carefree, feel loved and most importantly feel the presence of Park Jimin, himself.

He, himself is already more than enough for me. Wanting him to be by my side, care for him and love him will all my heart; leaving him is definitely the last thing I ever wanted to do in this world.

Park Jimin, we will walk till the end our life together.

"I love you too hyung," I said it without second doubt this time, from the bottom of my heart.

As if Jimin has been waiting for me to say back, he looked at me in awe, lips unknowingly curving into a smile – a super heart-warming smile.

"thank you for not giving up on me," he continued.

"you're most welcome, hyung."

"so, what are we now?" he crooked an eyebrow.

"what do you want us to be?" I turned around slightly to look at him as his arms are still tightly wrapped around me.


His answer earned a chuckle from the both us as I nodded in agreement, we are finally official.

I really don't mind if Jimin did not give me a proper confession surprise, all I mind is I finally being able to claim him as mine, only mine.

His is my property; and I'm his.

we spent the rest of our time in his house, roaming around his garden and watch some movies in the mini theatre situated at the second floor of the house.

Being with him makes me forget every single thing, time just flies whenever we are together, its like even 48 hours a day for us would never be enough as well.

It was five minutes right before the clock strikes 12 in the midnight when Jimin pull up in front of my school hostel, I'm about to hop out the car when Jimin reaches across me and stops me from opening the door. "no good-night kiss?" he says.

I laugh, "hyung! I have to go."

Stubbornly he closes his eyes and waits, there is no way I'm going to give a kiss on the lips. Its not that I don't want to, its just...I'm too shy to do it.

Guess he was getting pretty impatient as he swung open his eyes and looked at me, "hyung, I-"

"its okay, Kookie I won't force you," he smiled.

"but still-" he then pushed my head closer to him as he slowly planted a delicate peck against my forehead, "goodnight my love."

His touch brought a tint of roseate to my cheeks as I bite my lips nervously, the uncontrollable heat rushed throughout my body as I looked him in the eyes.

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