~ You're Beautiful ~

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Jungkook just does not know how to react to the sudden act of Jimin towards himself.

His pale face turned as red as a rose, probably the colour red might get jealous of it. The feeling of holding the older's hand for the very first time is amazing, butterflies in his stomach were flapping their wings to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

Both of them take every step very carefully along the beautiful street of Seoul with their hands flawlessly interlocked, none of them spoke, probably still trying hard to get over the pounding fast heartbeats.

Jimin on the other hand cannot actually remember when was the last time he held someone's hand, the duration of Taehyung left him was so long that he could hardly remember the feelings of his ex-boyfriend used to give him.

He could felt how sweaty their intertwined hands got, beads of sweat flow down along the side of his forehead, causing some uneasiness to himself.

Soon, they make a turn into a junction which was leads by the older male between them.

Isn't this my neighbourhood? Jungkook thought.

They approached closer to where Jungkook's house was situated and soon Jimin dragged Jungkook, enabling them to hide behind a wall to prevent Jungkook's parents who just got out from the house, noticed their presence.

"I guess, you might miss them," Jimin spoke.

Only to see Jungkook nodded slowly and his eyes soon turned watery, a tear escaped from the corner of his eyes as he quickly wipes it away with the back of his hand.

Jungkook saw how his father trying to carry those heavy boxes into the mini-van that he bought for his small company's purpose, meanwhile his mother standing under the scorching sun, wiping away the dripping sweat that is forming on her husband's face.

Jimin witnessed the whole scene with his own eyes, can feel how terrible the younger is feeling right now, helpless and hopeless.

He once again held onto the younger's hand and dragged her out of the hiding site.

"boss!" Jungkook's loud voice making the two elderly who were so busy with the boxes, turned over to look at the two young men who appeared out of nowhere.

"Jungkook? Jimin?" his father called out.

"Appeoji, Eommoni," they bowed in respect as Jimin could feel how tensed Jungkook got.

"what're you guys doing here? Jungkook did your teacher absent again?" his mother asked with full of curiosity.

"I-" before he could continue, Jimin cut him off, "yeah, and he said he misses you guys so I came back with him," Jimin nudged Jungkook's arm.

"ah, I see. Do you guys wanna come in and have a drink?" his mother asked again.

"Yeah, sure." Jimin smiled and went in the house, trailing behind her without hesitation as she opened the door.

Jungkook let out a soft sigh and then went in the house along with them.

"Jungkook-ah, you should show Jimin your room," his mother ordered as she bring out two beverages for them.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows in surprise but still obeyed it anyway, both of them accepted the drinks warmly and soon went out of Mrs.Jeon's sight.

Jungkook swung open the door of his room, welcoming Jimin to go in to the room with him.

Jimin felt how warm and soothing the room is, pastel blue as the colour of the walls accompanied by several photos of scenery taken by Jungkook, makes everything looking so simple yet nice.

"these photos are beautiful," Jimin complimented as he scanned his eyes around the place and soon landed on one particular picture of Jungkook smiling so sweetly, showing his adorable bunny teeth of the camera.

Jungkook shone so brightly in the picture, of course he is in reality as well. His light brown hair highlighted with bright pink on the fringe, brown-orbs eyes smiling so happily as the camera flashed. Jungkook wa- no, is beautiful.

"who took this for you?" Jimin asked as he trailed his fingers across the picture.

"it's my mum," Jimin widen his eyes upon hearing Jungkook. His mother definitely has some professional skills on taking photos.

"it's beautiful, and so do you," he said again as he turned his head over to face Jungkook who is now sitting on the arm chair at the corner of his room.

"t-thanks," Jungkook could not helped but to blush at the statement, voice shivering a little as his cheeks flushed to the colour of scarlet.


Both of them bid goodbye to their parents before leaving the house fater spending about half an hour there.

"how do you feel right now?" Jimin asked and he stuffed both of his hands in his pockets as they walked down the street back to where they parked their car.

Jungkook nodded in return but deep inside he is still feeling awful for lying to his parents, he know he should not be doing this but he has no choice rather than letting them know the truth and pained them to their worst.

As they strolled, they didn't even notice that someone was watching them, every move, every step they make, it is captured by them. Jimin has always been their predator as soon as the said male left the team for the sake of his ex-boyfriend.

"boss-" before Jungkook could finished his sentence when he was about to turn around to look at Jimin, a loud thud that seemed like the sound of gun was heard.

The next second, Jimin collapsed on the floor with a pool of blood was clearly be seen flowing out of his body.

"Boss!!" Jungkook yelled as he crunched down to the floor to meet Jimin's helpless and weak body.


"Did you shoot him?" a deep and raspy voice echoed in the empty office room of Kim Namjoon, one of the gang leader with the highest rank, along with Jimin.

"yes, I did Boss." Jin smirked proudly as he answered.

"did he die?"

"I shot at his back and he collapsed onto the floor but I don't think he will die that easily, boss. He's Park Jimin after all."

"it's fine. This is just a small warning for him," a playful smirk formed on Namjoon's face as he cracked his knuckles.

"but there's another guy with him that time, I think it's his new boyfriend," Jin said as he placed his fingers under his chin, contemplating.

"thought he hasn't move on?" Jin just shrugged at the question.


Jimin's eyes slowly turning white as his dark brown iris was rolled to the back of his eyes, he shut them so hard as if it will never open again.

Jungkook wrapped Jimin around his body so tightly that he does not even thinking of letting go, "J-Jimin...please wake up, don't sleep. Please...what is happening? Please..." he cried as he hugged the older closer to his own body, not bothering that the blood might stained his shirt.

Passers-by started to circulate the two male, trying to figure what just happened and one helpful guy volunteered to call for an ambulance.

Jungkook has never been so hopeless and helpless, he never experienced the feeling of losing someone, he truly felt it now. It is the feeling of thousands of knives stabbing right into your heart, causing indescribable pain to you, making you feeling at your worst.

Having train of thoughts of not having Jimin by his side anymore, to support him, to protect him, to compliment him and to smile genuinely to him.

How was it???
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