~ Goodnight Kiss ~

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Not really what I expected to encounter of stepping out of my parent's house and start shopping in the crowded district in America for after so long.

Meeting back Jungkook – the love of my life wasn't really what I have thought and ready of, especially not in America.

Leaving him and not telling him that I am actually here in America was definitely the worst decision I have ever made throughout my whole life. Living in a place without him, no memories related to him, only staring at a few selfies of us every day and night, wishing to have him by my side to cuddle was truly a torture.

But now, since fate has brought us together again, I would never want to let go anymore.

Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are here. But whenever I start feeling bitter because I miss him so much, I used to remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special and wonderful to miss.

For the first time I saw Jungkook, I was afraid to meet him. When I meet him I was afraid to kiss him. When I kiss him I was afraid to love him and now I am so afraid of losing him again.

And that is also when I realized I never will truly love anyone the way I love him.


"Jungkook?" I stroked his hair as he laid his head on my lap while closing his eyes, enjoying our moment together.


"do you know how lucky I am?"

My words made him opened his eyes and looked straight at me from his position.

"so lucky that I could have someone who is so perfect like you," I professed my love, hoping he would definitely feel more than it.

He bites his lower lip nervously, trying to hide the tint of pink that was formed on his puffy cheeks, everything around was just so pale in comparison.

"you're mine, hyung," he said, making me feel shy at his words. Jungkook seldom confesses his love and saying sweet nothings to me, maybe because he is still young or maybe would still feel embarrassed about it.

So every time when he does, I could not help but to have an adrenaline rush run throughout my body parts, heart fast beating against the chest and butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach.

"I am never anyone's else besides you, baby." I chuckled as I lowered down my level and place a gentle yet sweet peck on his forehead, causing more blush on his face.

Jungkook told me that he will have to meet up with his teammates to have dinner, therefore I sent him to the hotel.

Along the car ride, he mentioned to me about performing at the Arts Theatre and I had already agreed to support him, I have already missed out one of his most important event in life which was his graduation ceremony, I can't afford of being absent at this one as well.

Before he got down the car, I pulled him closer and we shared another short yet passionate kiss. He bid goodbye and promised to call me later when he is done with his things.

I smiled at him and soon he went down the vehicle and disappear out of my sight.

I drove back home and greeted by an empty house, guessed my parents have already left for dinner. I went back to my room and washed up before dropping onto my bed, staring at the ceiling blankly.

Today, was indeed a tiring day; too much explanations and confessions made in just one day, however I am happy for what I did. Probably the happiest day after six months of living in hell.

While I was deep in my thoughts, my phone rang.

"hello baby boy," I greeted as soon as I picked up the phone.

"gosh, Jimin this nickname..." I could hear how whiny Jungkook got on the other side of the phone.

"why? You don't like it?"

"ahh I love it!" he giggled which follows by me as well, this guy could just make me grinning so effortlessly.

"by the way, you got a whole day of practice at the theatre studio tomorrow right?"

"yeah..it's gonna be a long day," he then left out a soft sigh.

"don't worry, I'll give you my moral support baby,"

"thanks hyung, saranghae."

"nado saranghae. (I love you too)"

He chuckled softly as soon as he heard my response, "hyung, aren't you going to sleep yet?"

"it's only 10pm, silly baby."

"I thought you're tired..."

"I'm not when I'm with you."

"really?" he chuckled, again. Gosh, I think I could hear his laughter all day, all night without getting tired.

"yes baby. And now why not you go to rest as you got a long day tomorrow?"

"but hyung-"

"not buts when it comes to Park Jimin. Now baby boy, go to sleep and we will meet in your dreams okay?"

"promised?" he sounded eager.

"yes my love."

"can I have a goodnight kiss, hyung?"

"seriously now Jungkook?"

"ahhh please...."

"alright alright," I then make a kiss sound against the microphone of the device, pretending as if I really gave a peck on the lips.

He chuckled and I could imagine how red he face has gotten, "goodnight hyung."

"goodnight my baby, I love you."

"I love you too," with that we both hung up our phones.

I placed the device next to me as I turned over the right side of the bed while staring out at the window from the second floor of my room.

Lord, I pray, please let this moment last forever.

Author's note:

i kinda like this chapter doeee idk whyyy....

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