~ Hallucinations ~

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Six months has passed in total, Jimin is still nowhere to be found.

I had already passed my examination for both theory and practical with flying colours and had successfully graduated.

On my graduation that day, I really hope Jimin would actually appear in front of me, telling me that all these while he was still alive, secretly preparing a surprise for me. But eventually, he did not.

Taehyung and my family members attended my graduation, witnessing my glory. Haejin and I still haven't make up, I made my last attempt to talk to her on during graduation, but the response I got was still the same, surprising yet familiar.

Even though I have officially graduated, I still have a few events on going with the school. I have accepted an offer to perform in one of the play with my school team in the United States.

Every day, I would stay up late at school to practice and rehearsal non-stop with other members who are joining as well.

I tried to keep myself as occupied as possible, in order for me to stop thinking about him. But once I paused, I still think of him. Everything that orbits and happened around me still reminds me of Jimin. Is like no matter how hard I am trying to discard him out of my mind, it just won't work, its just waste of time.


The day that I am leaving to America has finally arrived, I packed everything I needed and bid goodbye to my parents before taking the cab to the airport and gather with my teammates.

There are around twenty of us joining the show, including some make-up artist and backstage staffs.

Once we reached there, we unpack our stuffs and started to visit the place where we are going to perform.

We play music instruments, some of us sing while some act. We legit spent our first full day in the place, setting our formations and make arrangements with the person-in-charge of the event flow.

All of us worn out during the first day in America, can't wait to tug into our beds and start rebooting our power for the sight-seeing around the city tomorrow.

The next day, I woke up early in the morning to get ready. We left the hotel about 8 in the morning, all ready for the day tour.

We went to the parks, enjoying the December winter while strolling around the place. After lunch, it is our free time, we are allowed to do anything we wanted, as long as we don't get lost and manage to find our way back to the hotel.

Me and my other two friends, Mark and Jackson decided to go hang around in the shopping mall as they are both more into fashions.

While they were taking their own sweet time searching for branded clothes, me who are not so interested in stuffs like that excused myself by telling them that I will wait them in one of the café in the mall.

They agreed to that at first but then they told me that I could go back to the hotel if I am tired and they will only join me during dinner time.

I nodded my head in approval and soon left them and started walking around, alone.

I left the shopping mall and decided to roam around the crowded streets for maybe some souvenirs.

As I was strolling in the busy district, my mind can't help but to wander, slowly drifting to Jimin.

I thought of how good it would be to have him by my side right now, walking down this place with our hands intertwined tightly, showering each other with kisses and hugs without bothering people's stare.

I can't help but to chuckle a little at my silly thoughts as I know none of these will going to happen.

While I was scanning my eyes around the place, my eyes stopped at one particular person who was standing in front of a toy shop.

He was holding an Iron Man figuring, admiring the toy as if he might burn a hole on it.

He does not look like a Caucasian at all. The way he wore an oversized stripes t-shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans along with a pair of Dr. Martin's boots, the way he dressed somehow reminds me of someone – Jimin.

His small yet well-toned body, with a head of silver locks and that familiar thing about him – his helix piercing.

Everything was just too familiar, am I hallucinating again? But not in America too, I guess?

Author's note:

another short update for you guys! i know this chapter is boring but somehow at least something right?

aye aye dont forget to leave comments as well! adios! <3

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