~ Feel Love ~

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We both left the place as soon as we finished our dinner and I finally managed to spill everything out to Jungkook, letting him know exactly how I feel all these while.

Allowing him finally being able to acknowledge my care and mostly my love for him.

Six months in hell – not saying that spending time with my ex-lover, Taehyung was the worst thing ever, but is the fact I am not being able to be genuine but faking myself for both Taehyung and Jungkook and also myself.

After breaking up with Taehyung and helping him to move back to his hometown, Daegu to live with parents for good, I decided to resolve myself and start collecting the thoughts and face Jungkook.

This morning, I managed to find him as my followers had actually made a brief investigation about him that he is now working at that café.

I would admit that my heartbeat was thumping fast against my chest as if it wanted to be freed from me and jump to Jungkook as soon as I saw him turned around and looked at me.

The blood started to boil in me and my eyes twinkled when I saw how much he has grown after six months of not meeting each other, he has gone so manly and more handsome.

While he was talking to me this morning, I can't stop admiring the straight line of his well-defined jaw, the curve of his cheekbone. There's an openness to his face, an innocence – a certain kind of niceness. It's the niceness that touches my heart the most.

And I can't wait to make him mine.

Along the car ride, it was a pregnant of silence between us until I reached over to him and intertwined his hands with mine, transferring my body heat to him.

"hope you don't mind," I peeked at him and gave him my best smile.

He smiled back as the corner of his eyes crinkled and nodded his head slightly. Meanwhile, he reacted to my touch as he gave my hand a squeeze.

At this moment, I knew that once I had his hand, I never wanted to let go of him, never.

I swear, this was most probably the best car ride I have ever had.

I stopped at the entrance of his school hostel and he slowly slide off his hand from me, telling me that he has to go before the curfew of the hostel – 12am strikes.

Before he fully got off the car, I called him once again making him stopped and turned his head to look at me, "I'll call you later, okay? And uhm, I love you."

He gave me another sweet smile that was about to melt my heart away, "okay Jimin," before shutting the door and soon disappear from my sight.

What? No 'I love you too?' This kid.

With that, I drove back my house and can't wait to call him, and to hear his voice again. Even though we only parted for about half an hour, I have to admit I miss him already.

His mesmerizing eyes, his sweetest smile that resembles a bunny, his scent, just Jeon Jungkook in general.

I rushed into my room, not even bother to change, I just dropped onto my comfy bed and started dialling his phone number.

I felt exactly just like a teenage girl falling in love for one of the hot guys in the school.

"hello?" his voice, flowing into my ear, satisfying every single part of me.

"what're you doing?" I casually asked.

"oh, I'm just cleaning some of my stuffs. My room was too messy," I could slightly hear him settling his stuffs.

"am I disturbing you?" I pouted over the phone, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see it.

"no it's okay, I'm done. What're you doing then?" he asked me back, allowing the smile to glow once again on my face.

"missing you,"

I heard a moment of silence on the line and soon his voice came back, "I miss you too, Jimin."

I'm definitely smiling like an idiot right now, the grin that probably nobody has seen it, not even Taehyung or Jungkook himself. 

"what time is your class tomorrow?"

"8am to 10am,"

"that's early, you better go to bed now you must be tired,"

"alright Jimin, good night."

"goodnight Kookie, I love you." I confessed once again.

"I-I love you too," he said back.

We both hung up the phone before I dropped it next to me. I placed my palm on my pounding chest, feeling the heart beating fast against it.

It's all because of Jungkook, I am able to feel alive, to feel my heart beating for someone again, to feel love again.

Author's note:

What a boring chapter aye but still ITS AN UPDATE.
Don't worry this story won't be ending THAT soon.

Comment your sweetest comments and don't forget to vote! And also kindly check out my others books as well! Cheers 🍻

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