~ Promises ~

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"done!" Jungkook clapped his hand in satisfaction and folded the written piece of paper nicely before stretching his hand over to Jimin and asked to take the paper that he has written as well.

"what's all these for, Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin asked again as he handed over to him, only to see him standing up and dropped the two nicely folded paper into the small transparent vase that was placed on Jimin working desk.

"so that, you won't leave me," Jungkook then spun around and locked his piercing gaze onto the older.

Only Jungkook himself knows that, all he done was just an excuse for him to stand by Jimin's side for a longer period of time, even if it is one second, one minute, an hour or even a month, he would love doing so. Only if, Jimin won't leave him as soon as that Taehyung guy comes back.

He knows Taehyung's return would be such a blessing and will bring huge happiness to Jimin, of course he wanted him to be happy, but he does not know if he, himself can make it till the end.

Jimin scoffed and looked down to his toes, "when're you planning to retake you piano test? Are you not going back to school?" he changed the topic.

Jungkook cleared his throat, "do you really wish I leave and go back to school?"

"you know that's not I meant-"

"of course I know what you meant, boss. Don't worry, as soon as I'm ready, I will go take the test and try my best to get back to my school because it's definitely impossible for me to go home like that." Jungkook stated and leaned against the table with his both palm slightly pressed onto it.

Jimin just nodded in response and ready to walk out of the room, "where're you going?" the younger asked.

"I'm going out to grab a coffee, wanna come?" Jimin raised his brows, earning a nonchalant shrug form Jungkook.

Both of them headed out to the nearest café away from the house, reaching there in approximately 10 minutes. The bell that was hanging on the top of the door rang as both of them walked into the café full of the smell of freshly brewed coffee beans and cakes.

They walked over to a table for two persons near the window pane, before sitting down, Jungkook volunteered to order for the both of them.

"Caramel Macchiato for me," Jimin ordered before Jungkook scooted over to the counter, ready to place his order.

While he was so engrossed with the menu board right above the counter, he heard someone calling out for him, "J-Jungkook oppa?"

He lowered down his head only to be met with a pair of hazel nut eyes belongs to none other but his ex-classmate, who is now standing on the other side of the order.


"Oppa! I've missed you so much! The other day Mr Kim told me that you're no longer studying music, why is it so?" Haerin asked worriedly while placing her hands on the back of Jungkook's palm that is on the counter.

"y-yeah, I've dropped out," he replied with a shivering tone.

"ah, I see. Oppa?" she called out again.


"Can we possibly hangout some day?"

Jungkook looked over to Jimin who was sitting down at the place while staring out at the window, being a total ignorant about the whole situation happening here.

He heaved a sigh before answering, "yeah, sure."

Jungkook came back with two cups of Caramel Macchiato on his both hands and placed it down carefully on top of the coffee table.

"your girlfriend?" Jimin asked while cocking on side of his eyebrow.

"of course not! She's just my ex--"

"ex-girlfriend?" Jimin interrupt.

"Ex-classmate! Geez!" Jungkook retorted and earned a few chuckles from his boss.

This time, Jimin's phone buzzed and his lock screen enlighten as he received a new notification, revealing the selfie of him and Taehyung. He looked at his phone and back at Jungkook, only to see Jungkook cleared his throat and looked away.

"it was just some twitter...notification," Jimin trying not to make the atmosphere awkward. He definitely knows that Jungkook saw the wallpaper of his lock screen. At the very moment that he knew Jungkook actually has some feelings for himself, he has promised himself not to hurt this younger guy who is now sitting in front of him.

He does not know how much effort he can make, how much promises he can make, all he knows is he will try his very best not to make Jungkook shed a tear, he will not swear that he will make it, but he eventually will.

"you, don't have to tell me," Jungkook took a sip of the coffee and not making any eye contact with Jimin.

"go a place with me?" Jimin asked as he lowered down his head, trying to meet Jungkook's eyes.

He then nodded and both of them walked out of the café after Jungkook and Haerin bid each other a short goodbye.

Two of them came out of the café and Jimin looked to left and right, trying to recall which way should he go in order to reach his destination.

"we're walking there," Jimin said to Jungkook when he slowly grabbed onto the younger's hand and intertwined their fingers.

Jungkook looked at their perfectly fitted hands as if they were heavenly made just for them, they just fit each other's size so well, with Jungkook's larger hands and Jimin's soft and plump fingers.

"in order not to let you slip away," Jimin gave a genuine and comforting smile as he knows exactly what Jungkook is thinking right now.

Feedbacks are appreciated :>

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