~ You are Right ~

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"I'll always be there for you, no matter what," Jungkook caressed Jimin's soft and puffy hair.

He did not know the strong and cold Park Jimin he just met two days ago would break down in front of him. He is really dying to know who the hell is that guy who hurt Jimin so bad, he is so going to make the guy pays back so badly. However, he knows now is not the right time to ask.

"Thanks, Kookie." Jimin gave Jungkook a nickname and soon pulled away from the younger's embrace. He did felt a little bit off and embarrass to break down in front of Jungkook. But he has been keeping it to himself for so long, he needs to spill the beans.

His cheeks flushed to the colour of scarlet upon hearing the nickname Jimin gave him.

While Jimin was about to turn away, "wait," Jungkook held on Jimin's arm to stop him from continuing. He then lifted his hand and used his thumb to wipe away the teardrops left on the corner of Jimin's eye.

Jimin just gulped at his actions and rapidly turn to the front.

Pregnant of silence occupied between them as they just sat side to side, admire the beautiful night sky. But, Jungkook never once forget to check out how Jimin was doing.

When both of them were very much enjoying each other's company, Jungkook felt a raindrop fell on his cheek.

"boss, its raining!" As soon as Jungkook informed Jimin, rain started to pour down and people who were still enjoying themselves in the park started to make a hurried dash, so does Jimin and Jungkook.

With that, Jimin swiftly grabbed onto Jungkook's wrist and dragged him along. They kept running and running, trying to shorten their distance between them and their car. The rain kept pouring on them without mercy, however Jungkook's hand never once slip from Jimin's grip.

They got in the car in no time, Jimin wanted to turn on the air conditioner but it was stopped by Jungkook, "you're gonna get sick- ah chooo!"

"look who's the one that gonna get sick," Jimin chuckled at how cute Jungkook is.

It is the very first time ever Jungkook saw Jimin smiling so genuinely and he noticed how beautiful he eyes were that they will turn into a crescent.

Jimin drove at a fast speed yet steady back home as he wanted to dry Jungkook up as soon as possible.

Both of them reached home safely and Jimin immediately wrapped Jungkook with a towel handed over by that staff.

"go shower and come to my room," Jimin bring the weak and shivering Jungkook into his room and stated.

After Jimin showered, he sat on the bed with his bathrobe while waiting for Jungkook to come in.

Not long after, he heard someone knocking on his door twice, "come in," then revealed a pale Jungkook with his plain tee and track pants on.

"come over here," Jimin asked him to sit on his bed while he went to the bathroom and got out his hair dryer. He plugged on and soon started to dry Jungkook's hair by ruffling it back and forth.

Jungkook swore he likes the feeling when Jimin runs his fingers through his scalp.

"you're such a baby, how can you got sick just by that? Your future girlfriend has got a lot of work to do," Jimin grumbled while Jungkook just squeezed his eyes together and pouted.

Jimin turned off the hair dryer when he was finished drying up Jungkook's hair.

"ah-choo!" Jungkook sneezed again which makes Jimin placed the back of his palm on Jungkook's forehead to check his body temperature.

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