Chapter 11: Hannah

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Tuesday, September 3rd, 7:00 am

The rest of the girls were still asleep. They all had afternoon classes today. So did I, but I'm an early riser. I couldn't get the thought of pranking a bunch of frat guys out of my head. They're just like us, just that they're guys. They have Greek pride just like us. They're just a handful of guys who wanna make their college years last a lifetime, and I do too. People are misguided by my sense of style, and are scared of me even. All I want is to express myself, but so many guys (and girls) just don't get it. I'm a lovable person, you just have to get used to me. Sometimes it seems like Alyssa is the only one who understands me. With her as an anime heartthrob and me as a sceneista, we're just the perfect team. We're the misfits of Rho Kappa Rho, and I'm sure we always will be. Her and I rebel against everything from pepperoni pizza to studying for final exams. We always win in the end, and I'll always have her at my side.

I love being part of a sorority. If I wasn't, I'd probably fail the first semester. Chloe encourages me to ace tests, or at least pass them. Bri is that other crazy in the group, which I will always need a little bit of. Nat is the one who keeps me sane in a house full of girly girls. Claire leads us, in a good way that's not too demanding. Amy is great at second place, but her airheadedness keeps her with that role. Emma brings out the child within me, and I'm thankful for that, but Alyssa is always there. She always has my back and vice versa. Like the song states, I get by with a little help from my friends.

As I began to step into the shower I noticed something. Emma wasn't in bed. I had never seen this before, but I ignored it hoping she'll be back soon. If Chloe had been awake then she'd freak out, because she's really protective over her little sister, but I try to stay as chill as possible. She probably just went for a walk or something, right?

I let the water pour over me like a hot spring and descended into its warmth. It cleansed me and relieved my brain of all the stress from that week. I exhaled a hard sigh and dreamed about the positive possibilities in all this mess. I couldn't think of one. Maybe I could be optimistic later on, but then it was time for relaxation.

Thirty minutes later I stepped out of the shower, cold and wrapped only in a towel. The latch on the front door opened, and I locked the bathroom door, cursing myself for not bringing any clothes in with me. I slowly peeked out and realized it's only Emma. Quickly I ran out of the bathroom and Emma stifled a scream.

I changed quickly and began to interrogate her. "Where were you, Emma?" If she planned to sneak out she should have known better that I get up fairly early.

"Look, " she said nervously. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise me. You can't tell anyone, ok? Not even Chloe."

"Fine," I said, angry at myself for agreeing. "Well, are you gonna answer my question or what?"

"Fine, " she said. "But it's a long story."

"I got time," I said, and with that I sat down, soaking in every word.

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