Chapter 14: Zach

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Tuesday September 3rd, 9:40 am

I hope Brianna hasn't realized I'm a frat guy. I don't want things to come between us. I can tell she sort of likes me. She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. I keep trying to flirt with her, but I have never flirted with anyone before, so I'm not very good. I know by the way they all look at us that one of them has somehow gotten some inside dirt. I've been avoiding Bri though because I don't want her to get the wrong idea about me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Chase saying, "Don't you think?"

"What?" I said confused. I was suddenly embarrassed realizing I hadn't been listening to anything he said. He didn't seem to notice though, thankfully.

"I said, do you like my prank idea? You know, the one where we tempt them outside and drench them with maple syrup and feathers?" he said smiling, that evil glint in his eyes.

"Were you even listening man?" Chris asked me.

"Yeah. Sorry, I was just trying to think of some prank ideas," I said quickly, trying to think of an excuse. "I gotta go to Baking class. Stay here though. Please?"

"What's wrong, dude?" Chase asked confused.

"I just- it's- I," I said racking my brain, trying to think of an excuse. "There's a couple of girls from the other team in my class and I don't think they've realized who I am yet. This way, I can have some leverage over them if they don't know who I am."

"Oh. I understand, dude. Good thinking," Chase said with a smirk.

"See ya later guys," I said, picking up my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder as I ran off to class.

Just before I walked into class, I put on some dark sunglasses and a snapback. As I walked into the kitchen, I looked through out the room to see if any of the girls were here yet. I saw Bri at the back of the class, talking with Chloe. Seeing them whispering, looking up at me every once and a while made me draw in my breath sharply.

I relaxed when I saw Bri cross her arms, and march away from Chloe. My eyes followed her as she stomped over to our station. When I looked back at Chloe, she had moved over to her station, her eyes narrowing at me. She couldn't tell whether I'm looking at her because of my dark glasses, as I scanned the entire classroom.

"Ah-hem!" Chef Barb said, clearing her throat. That's her signal for everyone to go to their seats. I quickly walked back to our station.

"Today we will be making creme brulee. The recipe will be found in the top drawer in your cabinet. You will have 45 minutes to prepare your dish and then bring it up to my desk for grading. Remember this is a test and you will be graded in your pairs. All of your tools and ingredients will be found in the back. Work together! You may begin."

I opened up the drawer and pulled out the recipe. I handed one of the copies to Bri, our hands briefly touching. When our hands touched she flinched, just a little. It wasn't much, but I could still see it. She took the paper and rushed into the back to gather our tools, like she always does, while I got our ingredients. When she got back, I had built up my confidence to ask her something.

"So, are you a sorority girl?" I asked her cautiously. Her eyes widened slightly and she looked up at me from the recipe.

"Umm, yeah...." she answered.

"Cool. What team are you in the competition, if you are in it?"

"I'm on Team Diversify," she replied, avoiding looking at me.

"Cool. So... you're up against Team Diversity?"

"Yeah. The guys on the team are complete idiots."

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