Chapter 16: Michael

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Tuesday, September 3rd, 11:15 am

Math was just plain weird. Alyssa and I just felt so dang awkward. She never talked to me, and I never said a word to her. I don't know, maybe it's just me. She's such a great girl though, I just don't know. Some things I look WAY to hard into.

I met with Ray and Josh for lunch. They told me to meet them at Hungry Harry's Sub Shop. It was our favorite "on-campus" place to eat. Cheesy, and meant for frat guys.

The owner was a frat here, and that was it's intended purpose. Yet, I can still catch Nat and Bri coming here every once in a while, both scarfing down a ton of fries. I at least know better than to take a girl on a date here.

Josh has already made that mistake. Twice. Once with the hot girl who's captain for the varsity field hockey team.What's her name... Karly?

And another time where he COMPLETELY blew it with Vanessa.

Vanessa is one of those girls who REALLY overdoes her reputation. She's kinda cute, a little rude at times, but nice enough to date. He went to get her a chicken steak sub, when he found out that she doesn't eat carbs.

That was bad enough. Next, when he went to get their drinks, he put regular coke in her glass instead of diet. And I'm still not done. The worst part of the night was him going to get some chili cheese fries. As he came back, he spilled hot chili right onto her dress and down her bra. Ray and I were obviously laughing our "you know whats" off. The only thought running threw my head was: What the (insert word) were you thinking, bro?

I walked right past the cheerleaders, right past the jocks who would normally give me wedgies and noogies galore. I ran by the main grounds, past the many dorms and housings, and down through the abandoned pathway which smelled like a dumpster. There it was, the place immature college guy dreams are made.

I grinned at the sight of the worn-down shack that Harry called a café. This was where the guys and I belonged.

I walked inside, smelling that toasted bread smell, mixed with a little bit of gasoline and motor oil. (Harry's nephew worked two part time jobs, one at the sub shop, and the other as an assistant mechanic at the auto body shop down the block).

There they were. Ray and Josh waved. Josh looked like he was about to scream on both the inside and out. You see, Raymond wasn't the easiest person to deal with.

I sat down at our "reserved" booth. No one else dared sit there. Legend has it that Harry came up with the idea of his famous loaded burger sub in that booth. We've always sat there, and it's always brung us luck. I never said GOOD luck though, after explaining Josh's whole "dating incident".

"Hey!", Josh said, letting off a ton of anxiety in one single breath.

"Yeah, hey man.", said Ray.

"I ran here guys, what's so important?"

"The guys and I came up with a prank.", Ray proposed confidently.

"Yeah," said Josh, sucking down cream soda like a human vacuum.

"Shoot." I said, ready to hear what stupid trick Ray would come up with this time.

"Okay, so last night I snuck into the soro house when everyone was asleep." With that I simply froke. (Froke is my way of saying freak in the past tense.)

"For Pete's sake, Ray, what were you thinking?"

Ray just chuckled. "Hey now, Pete's a nice guy. You don't need to bring him into this." He said, laughing hysterically at his own sarcastic joke. "I just put a note on one of their dressers, that's all."

"You could've been suspended!", I screamed, much louder than expected.

"I know, I know. But, after all, I am the slickest guy on campus."

I was done.

"Anyways, to the point.", said Josh. While Josh had his despicable moments, I was utterly glad to have him right now.

"Okay, so at 12:00 sharp we attack. CCC square. The girls should be out of 2nd hour by then."

It was a risky one, but a good plan.

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