Chapter 23: Chloe

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  • Dedicated to Zoe

Tuesday September 3, 4:30 pm

Time for Debate Team, I thought as I was walking into the Psychology building where our team practices. I don't know why they chose that building for us, but we had no choice in the matter. It doesn't really matter where we practice anyways. At least they have a stage where we can set up our practice podiums.

"Hello everyone," I said to the team and young hopefuls.

"Hey," most responded.

"Well, for those of you who don't know, my name is Chloe and I am the current captain of the Debate Team."

"Aren't you a little girly to be captain?" A random guy sitting in the back asked, smirking.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I think I do just fine," I responded.

"I could so take you. This so called 'audition' is just a formality. I got second place in the regional championships last year," he responded with a smug grin on his face.

"Ha. Only second in the regionals? What a joke. I give you that you're fairly good Mister Cocky, but that is nothing compared to what I have gotten."

"Oh yeah. I'd like to see you top that. No one from California even got into the nationals last year. No way you could have gotten farther than me."

"Then I guess the name Chloe Hollenbeck doesn't ring a bell, now does it?" I asked him with a small smile. It took him a second, but I saw the recognition in his eyes as he started gaping like a fish.

"That was you?!"

"In case you haven't noticed. I'm not from around here. I got first place in nationals last year, second the year before, and third the year before that. I am the best debater New Mexico has ever had. I hold more places in debate than anyone else in New Mexico record books."

That certainly shut him up. As I diverted my gaze from him, I saw everyone else, even current members gaping at me. I giggled a little bit and bit my lip, watching them all stare at me.

"Shut your mouths guys. You're all gonna collect flies. I know, I know this is the first time I've ever brought it up, but I wanted you guys to see how I did first. I'm sorta surprised none of you have figured it out before now."

"Oh, I totally called it," someone called out. I looked around the room and saw that Kevin was the one who had said it. I just simply rolled my eyes at him. He has always been jealous at me and wondered about how I was so good.

"Well, why don't we get to the auditions so I can see how good all of you are?" I asked them hopefully.

"Sure," many of them said.

"Okay, so James, Devin, Morgan, and Claira. I need you guys to help me get the podiums."

They all nodded their heads and got up. I love this place. It's the one place I feel confident and have power.

"Hey James, Devin, Morgan, and Claira. Can I talk to you first for a minute?" Kevin called out just as I was about to walk out and show them they way.

They all looked at me with questioning expressions until I finally said, "Go ahead, just meet me in room 146 to help me get the podiums out when you're done."

I then turned around and started to walk down the hall. It was empty, but I couldn't help getting the feeling that I was being watched. I simply shrugged it off as I put the key into the doorknob to unlock the door. Once it was unlocked, I went inside and closed the door, making sure it stayed unlocked so they could still get in.

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