Chapter 25: Emma

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  • Dedicated to Emma

Tuesday, September 3rd, 4:50 pm

Will she be okay?

I texted Jacob, worried out of my mind. I swear that I started hyperventilating then. I stopped myself in my tracks. I couldn't do this, I had to be strong for Chloe.

My phone buzzed. My heart skipped a beat as I picked it up.

She's fine, I checked her pulse. Kevin just dropped her off by the grove. No signs of consciousness.

I paused a moment. What to say? Three words, I thought. They were perfect to say to him at any time.

I love you, Jake

I waited. Several seconds. A minute. Five minutes. No reply. Something was bad. Very bad. Why hadn't he replied?

I decided it best to go down there. First, I would let the girls know.

I grabbed my phone, a water bottle, and my inhaler, just in case.

"Nat, Bri, Hannah!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

They all came rushing to our room, Bri running into the wall.

"Uh, there's a wall there, Bri," Hannah pointed out obviously.

"No time for that!" I shouted at them. "Chloe's in trouble! Follow me!"

They could hardly catch up with me. I ran like an Olympian. Nothing got in my way. I tripped and stumbled on tree trunks, ran into students on breaks. I was scared out of my mind.

I finally saw something. An orange note. It read: 'Chloe will be okay. Let me know when she wakes up. You know where to find me.' Jacob, I thought. I didn't let anyone else read the note.

"There she is!" motioned Nat.

It was a horrific sight. Chloe's cold body, strewn on the ground, a black leather duffle bag next to her.

"Oh my God," was all I could force myself to say.

I dropped to my knees, clutching my throat on the way down. I swear I was sweating like an ice cube in July.

"She's having an asthma attack!" yelled Bri.

"Emma!" Hannah chimed in.

"I'm, I'm okay guys, just, give me a sec please." I said.

Hannah and Bri walked away slowly from the scene.

"You okay?" asked Nat.

"Yeah," I said.

"Alright, well, I'll go get the nurse. You stay here. And, Emma?"

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Don't worry, the little shits who did this to her will pay for it," she said, her fist beating into her palm. I laughed.

"Sure thing, but you really don't have to get the nurse. I'm fine now," I said. She won't lay a hand on Jacob, I thought to myself.

"Well if you say so," Nat replied reluctantly.

"Come on, help me wake her up," I told them. They all came crowding around me.

"Chloe! Chloe! Chloe!" we all yelled, shaking her, trying to wake her up.

"Guys, guys! Stop. I think she's starting to come to," I said.

"Chloe," I said into her ear, "Chloe."

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