Chapter 15: Alyssa

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  • Dedicated to Alyssa

Tuesday, September 3rd, 10:30 am

I had just woken up about 30 minutes prior. I was tired as crap from staying up. Watching Bleach under the covers all night long can tire a girl out. Bleach is my absolute favorite anime ever! Hannah and I grabbed our trigonometry books and headed for study hall.

I'm pretty much a complete dunce at math, so I needed to go, and so did she. There's this guy Michael in study hall on Tuesdays and Fridays, but he works as an intern tutor. He's awesome at math, and usually helps me study, but right now I have to steer clear of him, since he's in Omega Mu Theta.

"I am excited!", said Hannah as she twirled about, while I walked steady.

"Why?" I asked, strain in my under slept voice.

"Because.", she says, acting as if there's never an actual reason for anxiety.

"I'm just really excited to see what stupid prank those guys are gonna plan."

"Uh, heh ha." I laughed curtly, paying WAY to much attention to my own thoughts. I couldn't get over last night's episode. Was Kuugo Ichigo's friend or enemy?

"Ugh, Hannah, I swear, if you ever decide to get into Anime, make sure you watch the WHOLE first season beforehand. Otherwise, it'll be EXTREMELY confusing."

"Noted. I'll make sure I watch every single episode, right after I don't have a social life." she said as sarcastic as ever.

"Shut up," I said, jokingly nudging her elbow.

"Alright." she said, a trace of alarm in her voice.

"We need to get to study hall, doors close in 5."

"Ok" I said. We made our way to the class just in time. Everyone set down their things. Nat and Chloe were there too, Nat flirting with Jason, the third-baseman for our baseball team, the CCC Gold Rush.

Chloe was with 2 of her book club friends, Jenny and Tom. They had just finished the chapter.

Our sports teams were called the Gold Rush because of California history. Our school was all for that kind of stuff. The statues, and plaques, and numerous books in our bookstore, all about California.

Hannah and I sat down, smack middle of the front row. We needed to work hard today. and since study hall was student-led, I had to ask Charlie, possibly the smartest guy on campus, for math help. He is nice, but awkward as crud. It's one of those weird guy things. It's not like they have a crush on me, they just kinda... how do I put this nicely? They kinda seem like they left their personality in the lost and found. All the smart guys are that way. They never have some great sense of humor or romance, and always seem to marry a girl because she has better feelings for his paycheck than him.

I don't care if I don't ace my finals. I don't care if I just barely pass. I just want to follow my dreams. I'm a work study for the head nurse, and it's awesome. My ultimate goal is to be a pediatrician, most likely. I love kids and helping their overall health seems important to me. This is why I take 4 health classes and pass them with flying colors. I'm already certified in CPR and know how to safely deliver a vaccine to infants. It's amazing what you can learn at this place!

I take out a bazillion sheets of paper. Charlie lists the problems, and I relay the answers back to him. After 20 minutes or so, my hand burns with pain from writing. I take a swig of my Mountain Dew and begin to read the textbook. My leg twitches and my eyes are out of focus. Hannah and I have to pass the placement test this year. I don't want to be in a class full of immature doofs.

I was done. I put down my books, dropped my pen, and slumped back onto the lazy chair. If there's one thing I'm grateful for, its that just about every classroom has a bunch of those comfy chairs. I look at Hannah. She looks at me. I open my eyes wider. She excepts my challenge. Staring contest. Soon enough her ice cold glare turns into a playful grin, as she begins to giggle. She laughs uncontrollably, as I roll my eyes. Soon enough, she is on the floor, her face pressed against the carpet. Her fists pound and she continues to cackle.

I start to laugh too, and soon Nat joins in, followed by Chloe's chirps. Jason chortles a bit, and Charlie just stands there, blank faced. Then, the professor comes in. We all shut up immediately. Math has officially begun, and I exchange solemn glances with Michael. He stares vacantly at me, and I flick my head back. What was that all about?, I wonder to myself. I let it go, hoping he isn't mad. He wouldn't have any reason to be mad at moi, would he? The thought of such a casual, friendly, guy holding something against me stuck with me the whole class period. So much for studying...

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