Chapter 20: Raymond

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Tuesday, September 3rd, 1:15 pm

I am amazing. That was the best prank yet. I made a girl cry. Mission accomplished. Do I regret it? Not at all!

It was so funny! They did get back at us a little though, but overall, it was a success. We had gotten there at five till noon to prepare. Jacob, Zach, and Chris all went up onto the roof with the paint buckets while Josh and I stayed on the ground. At exactly twelve noon, I spotted the girls. I texted Chris to let him know that the girls were here.

Me: Yo Chris. The gurls r here. Theyve got Claire, Amy, Chloe, Emma, n Bri

Chris: Got it. Ready when u r

Me: Im going in

Chris: K. Good luk

I stepped out through the brush and let her spot me, her eyes narrowing.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Lord Abercrombie and the Fitch crony," she said mockingly. She had no idea what she was in for.

"Look who's talking, Mademoiselle Money Lover," I responded.

"You leave her alone, buddy! You wanna tussle? Let's tussle!" Brianna said, her expression darkening.

"Calm yourselves girls, plenty of Raymond to go around," I said to them, a smirk creeping onto my lips.

"Anyways, I just wanted to say that let's keep this a friendly and clean competition," I said, offering my superglue covered hand too her.

"Okay, what's the catch? You got some kind of stinking joy-buzzer attached to your hand, don't you?" she said cautiously.

"No, I swear."

Reluctantly, she finally shook my hand. When she tried to pull away, she discovered she couldn't and a smug grin creeped onto my lips.

"What the heck did you do?!" she practically yelled, starting to panic.

"Super glue is a very powerful thing," I said, enjoying every second.

I dragged her to the brick wall at the edge of the Pyscology building, the rest of the girls following. They kicked, and pushed and pried, trying to get her off of my hand.

Finally, they were lined up single file against the wall. I pulled my hand off of hers, accidentally pulling a thin layer of flesh from her hand.

"Ow!" she screamed, cradling her hand.

"Sorry," I shrugged, and ran off, Josh following behind me. When we were a safe distance away, I looked up at the roof and nodded to Chris, Zach, and Jacob, paint buckets in hand.

Worry struck her face and then looked up to find Chris, Zach, and Jacob on the roof. Not five seconds later, they then found themselves, covered in paint from head to toe.

They looked so mad! It was hilarious! Claire ran off first crying into her hands into the direction of their sorority house. Amy took off soon after that in the opposite direction, but not before throwing us a dirty glance.

I could see Chloe stroking Emma's shoulder, whispering quickly to her. Emma's face was starting to turn red from anger. Bri on the other hand was just laughing her head off. As soon as the guys came down though, her expression changed.

The minute she saw Zach, both of their expressions changed. Zach stopped laughing with the rest of the guys and focused his attention solely on Bri, a worried look on his face. But Bri looked boiling mad.

"ZACH! HOW COULD YOU!?!" she yelled, charging after him. As soon as he saw this, he turned on his heel and ran, Bri quickly trailing behind him.

I turned around just in time to see Emma slipping out of Chloe's grasp and charging after Jacob. He wasn't expecting it and wasn't able turn around fast enough. As soon as his back was to Emma, he was immediately thrown onto the ground, tackled by a 115 pound girl!

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