Chapter 3: Amy

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Sunday September 1, 9:00 am

"Girls! I want to see 25 bright and shiny faces down in this kitchen in the next two minutes. Prank Week meeting is at 9:30. Let's move it," Auntie Linda yelled. Suddenly, all the lights went on at once. A minute and a half later, all 25 of us came barrelling down the stairs in our pajama pants and campus tees. Aunt Linda had a massive tray of food to go around. This was just Sunday breakfast at the house of PKP (Rho Kappa Rho). Aromas of sausage, bacon, and chocolate chip pancakes looped into the bedrooms, and back down the stairs.

"I don't know about you, but I could eat half a cow!" beamed Brianna, as she pushed her way to the table. This is anything but unusual for Bri, who once ate more hot wings than all the guys at Dorm 534 put together! We sat around the table, too anxious to eat much, being Prank Week 2nd placers 3 years in a row! Or, at least some of us. I'm a senior, as most girls in PKP are. Nat , Chloe and Bri are all juniors. Emma, Hannah (the only sophomore), and Alyssa are fairly new, but they're still soro sisters to us!

We need to win first this year! Claire and I have been trying 3 long years and I'm determined to win this year! If we can't win first prize, then none of those lousy frat boys should be able to either! This is going to be the Prank Week ever! We HAVE to get 1st place this year! This is may be my last year at CCC and after being 2nd placers the past three years, I just have to get it. I will not leave CCC without the pride of winning Prank Week. Everyone knows that whoever gets first place goes down in CCC history! And we can't let those Omega jerks to break the record of 1st place winners in Prank Week. They are just........ ugh!!! 

I'm too stressed to think much more, we need to get to the meeting early anyhow. (As I scoop a heaping mouthful of grape jelly onto cinnamon raisin toast and down it in two bites!) What? I'm gonna need all the energy I can get if I'm gonna make it through the meeting...

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