Chapter 31: Alyssa

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  • Dedicated to Alyssa

Wednesday, September 4th, 11:00 am

Since we went to bed late the night before, because we were planning our next prank, most of us didn't wake up until about 11 or noon. Well, we were not really planning. We did more goofing around and watching tv and eating than actual planning. Linda left us to go to bed after the clock hit 10 because we weren't getting much done, so after that we stayed up until about 3 in the morning just to get everything finished.

We decided to do a combo prank. It was sooo perfect!! This one was going to incorporate all of us. We were going to work in teams of two, since the prank had 4 different parts. The first part was Prank #1. Prank #1 was the biggest one. Claire and Bri were going to sneak into the house and steal a pair of each of the guys' boxers, and then fly them from the flagpole in Campus Central with their names on them! They had that one because they were the most skilled at gymnastics and such.

Prank #2 was Hannah and Emma's. They were going to replace Chase's blue hair dye with black! It's such a boring color, they thought it would be perfect. Considering Chase is scene and not emo or goth. I wanted to be on the same team as Hannah, since we are BFFs, but then I wouldn't get to do my prank.

Prank #3 was mine and Chloe's. Our prank was hacking into Michael's laptop and hiding all of his anime video files. We had gotten intel from Nat's brother that every morning Michael would take his laptop downstairs to the living room and watch some anime with breakfast. I was the girl in the group who knew the most about anime and Chloe knew the most about computers. 

The last part of the prank was guard watch. That's what we decided to call it anyways. Nat and Amy were in charge of first making sure the house is okay to break into, to warn us if anyone is coming, and help us all get out safely. I tell you, it's like we are going on an actual spy mission! Some of the characters in my anime are spies. It's really cool to watch.

I woke up around 11, mainly because I was hungry. And I had to go to the bathroom...

After taking care of things, I made my way downstairs for some breakfast and was greeted by Hannah, Emma, and Claire.

"What's up guys?" I asked, taking a bowl out of the cabinet for some cereal.

"Not much. What classes do you have today?" Claire asked me in return.

"Umm, I have Bio at 1, pre-med at 3, and Nursing 3 at 4:30. Why?" 

"Can you be back here by 7? I want to go over some things with all the girls before the prank."

"Sure. So what time did you guys wake up?"

"Eight," Hannah answered.

"Same," Claire said, nodding to Hannah.

"I didn't wake up 'till 10," Emma added in.

"I guess we are the only ones up so fa-"

"Hey guys," I was interrupted by Chloe walking through the door and dropping her messenger bag on the couch, looking fully awake unlike the four of us. 

"Why were you outside?" Emma asked her sister, voicing our confusions.

"I had class," she answered simply, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl.

"But Molly has the same major as you and she doesn't have any classes until later today," Hannah replied to her.

"Didn't you guys remember that I'm also minoring in creative writing?"

After she said that we shared a group 'aha' moment before each face palming at our stupidness. It was quite embarrassing really.

"Wow, I'm feeling the love guys."

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