childhood regression

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my dreams switch violently between dreams and nightmares......i hug then im called names. i dream about my nervousness....i reach out to hold more firmly to my lost childhood as i talk to my bunny plushie, kookie. i junp  when the thunder roars and the lightning flashes on my bedroom walls. i've always been able to push away my fears but now i don't know afraid that when the time comes which is soon, i won't be able to handle it at all. i force my sickness away so i can get things done and i force my food down when i can't eat anymore so nothing goes to waste.....

i used to not be afraid to make mistakes, but now that i am i can't just try without messing it up, because as soon as i touch it it never turns out like it used to.....before i worried.

sometimes i get paranoid and i hear things, and it scares me but it's ok cause i choose to ignore it. what if one day i close my eyes and wake up somewhere i don't wish to be..... what if one day i give up?:( thats what scares me the most....that i'll give up....that i won't be good enough..that i will never make a difference in any body's life.....

hold me tight so all i'll ever feel is you...... smile at me so all i'll ever see is light. give me strength when i doubt my power to fight.....say the words more like i love you....

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