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why?....why do people get mad and they end up taking it out on everyone around them...they don't care who they hurt at the time. why do people need revenge? why do things go from good to bad?......things get better then they only get worse, but you have to continue on and let it make you stronger....but how much more till it can only hurt you?

i cry sometimes......i'm easily hurt. even when something is done by impulse or when someone didn't mean to, they hurt me. it makes me wonder if other people are like me....if they are hurt by me unintentionally....through this all, i continue cause i know...they don't know. ......how to be an adult?.....i don't know..... maybe im supposed to ignore it...but i thought adults face their problems. i just want to cry myself to sleep...... then tomorrow everyone will be fine again and it will be like it never happened.

how come the person i've always protected and stood up for....still finds time to make me cry? at this moment i feel very hurt, i feel like ignoring them tomorrow and not talking to show them cause and effect, but it won't work. because every time i try i can't be that way, i'm never revengeful, i never am able to hold a grudge. i forgive easily....always....

i want to fill my pillow with tears until i can't cry anymore, until my throat runs dry and raw. i want to it outside in the dark or sit in a tub of cold water. i want to sleep. i hear the argueing so i cut up the volume of my ear phones to block it out, cause when i was younger i liked to listen to know what was being said....but now i realize, that i never should've heard it....it hurt me. now i cut out the words so i'll never know, or never be mad for any reason.

thanks to you my eomma i cry tonite

thanks to you eomma i give up every fight

you used to tuck me in at night

now i await with my pillow until i drift into the once light night

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