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I woke up realizing my side hurt. I knew I had to clean it and change the bandage. I looked at the clock and knew Charlie was at work already. So I grabbed everything including my clothes.

I got my wound cleaned out good and found some drawing sav and put on the bandage.

I got dressed and put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked around at my room and I swore my mom thinks I needed everything. I laughed and shook my head. I got to my unpacking.

I was done with it about 12:30. Cool I'll go and get something to eat and maybe go for a walk. As I just got down the stairs the phone rang. "Swan residents!" I wait for someone to talk.

"Bells, I was wondering if you like to go out tonight to the little diner for dinner?" I like that place I remember there peach cobbler. "Sure dad, see you after work."

I opened up the fridge and I was amazed at what I saw. "Does Charlie ever cook or eat at home?" There were to go boxes, pizza boxes, milk, juice, soda and beer in his fridge.

I'm going to have to ask Charlie if I can do the shopping and the cooking for now on. I made me some lunch and went upstairs and put my tennis shoes on then grabbed my jacket and left the house.

I went on the trail just in the back yard that went into the woods. I had walked a while until I found a tree that had bowed over.

So I climbed it and just sat there and just listen to everything. It was nice to be where I could hear different animals and just nature it self. This could be my quiet place and a place just to think.

Then I heard a noise like someone was walking behind me. "Hello, is someone there?" I waited, but no answered me. So I sat there a while longer.

  See I learned to listen to my surroundings. I had found that that the longer I did it the more I could hear around me. Like I learned the difference between animals and people when they walk. It was like I had a super power, but without being like a superhero like on tv.

   I realized it was starting to get later in the day and I needed to get back. As I was walking back I had to stop because it felt like someone was following me. So I looked around and there was nothing, So I just shrugged it off and walked home.

I got cleaned up and Charlie honked the horn and I ran out and hopped into the car.

We got there and Charlie order a steak and baked potato with veggies. I ordered the chief salad and Charlie gave me a funny look.

   "You should talk dad" Then I giggled. "Bells, you going to let me in on what you mean by that!" All I could do is look at the expression on his face and one of his eyebrows went up and part of his mustache and lip slanted up and I just busted out laughing.

"Well you could let me do the cooking and shopping for now on." He still was lost. "I can cook. I made you a grilled cheese and tomato soup last night and for the shopping I still got to pick some stuff up yet."

All I could do is laugh even harder. "I seen your cupboards, fridge and the freezer dad. One question, do you eat out everyday?"

   Now I really busted out laughing. "Oh that, well ummm, I guess you can do the shopping and the cooking." He scratches the top of his head and then starts laughing and shaking his head.

We sat there talking and laughing and then the waitress brought over a peach cobbler and said it was on the house. "You remembered!" She smiled. "Yep, it used to be your favorite Bella." I smiled. "Yes, and still is too. Thank you!"

Charlie and I finished up and left. We went home. Charlie turned on the game on so I decided to stay up a little longer with him and we just talked for awhile.

I finally went upstairs and took a shower and then got out and cleaned my wound and put a bandage on it. I brushed my teeth and hair then went into my room.

I went over to my window and looked up at the moon it was beautiful tonight with the clouds hugging it just right.

I decided to get grandma Swan's rocker and move it over to the window and sit with my knees up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them just watching out the window.

Just how the moon lit up the top of tree lines just right, and everything just glitter. It was so beautiful.

Then there was a knock at my door. I told my dad to come in.

"I just wanted to remind you that Billy and his son Jacob are coming over tomorrow afternoon. You use to do this when you were little. You loved the moon in the summer and you use to sit in my lap outside in the backyard at night and we use to point out the dippers." He put his hand on my shoulder and kiss the top of my head.

"I remember dad and I love how the moon glows now too!" I put my hand over his. "Love you Bells, night." I tapped his hand. "Love you too dad, night." He walked out shutting the door behind him.

I sat there awhile until my eyes got heavy. I finally crawled into bed and my cellphone rang it was my mom. "Hi, mom."

"Hey Bella, are you settled in yet?" I yawned because it was late "Mom do you know it's 1 in the morning here?" She let out a deep breath.

"No I didn't sorry honey, we are on the road and I wasn't thinking. I'll call you on Monday night to see how the first day of school went."

With that we hung up the phone. I finally fell asleep for the night.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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