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    When I walked back in Carlisle and Rosalie was not in sight. But I  seen Alice walking around. So I went and sat down. Alice came and sat down beside me. She put her hands over mine.

  "Bella going to be alright I seen." I turned and looked at Alice and she noticed the expression on my face. But she gasped when she saw my eyes. "Edward your eyes there not red?"

   "There green Edward!" Alice told me. Alice you gotta be joking me. She shakes her head. I quickly got up and went to a mirror and look. She was right they were green my original eye color how is that possible.

    Esme came in and I turned to look at her. When she looked at me she jumped and covered her mouth. She looked in my eyes. "Edward how did your eyes turn green and not red?"

   "I haven't a clue at all." I told her.
Then I heard Emmett mind, "I sure hope my little sister is all right after this, what James did to her was just awful. Now Victoria and Laurent are still out there no telling who else."

  I never thought about the danger still out there waiting to hurt Bella still. Just the thought scared me and angered me at the same time.

  Finally Carlisle came out of the bedroom. We all stood up to listen to what he had to say.

  "Bella doing fine, she still asleep but should wake up soon though. Rosalie is just cleaning her up, Edward you can go in now if you wish."  nodded my head my head once.

  "Edward wait your eyes there not red." Carlisle pointed out like Alice and Esme did. "I know. I don't understand stand it Carlisle. I mean I drinked Bella blood and she's human so they should of turned red."

  "Do you feel any different Edward?" He asked me. "No not at all. Everything still as it is." It was just so strange.

    I finally went opened into the room and Bella was  sleeping peacefully. Rosalie still cleaning her up. When Rosalie looked she jumped. "Edward your eyes." She told me with her mind. "I know Rose we don't know what's going on."

  Rosalie walked up to me and gave me a hug. "Edward you found a keeper there don't let her go. Bella has a good soul." She smiled and then walked out and shut the door behind her.

   I sat there quietly and watching her sleep. I had noticed that they just had covered only in a blanket. I gently took Bella's hand into mine and held it.

 It's been a couple of hours when she finally started to open her eyes. "Hey, there beautiful!" She turned and looked at me and smiled.

   "Hi to you to handsome." She was blushing. I gently took her hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it. "Bella do you know what an incredible person you are?" She looked at me and started to bite her bottom lip.

   "No, and what makes you say that any ways?" I look into her eyes. "Oh just someone very special to you told me a story about you and let's just say never change who you are Bella not for no one. You are a very strong person, it takes a lot to go through what you have to overcome and still be the person who you are now." She took her hand away to wipe the tears from her eyes.

   "What person am I Edward someone that almost breaks a promise, someone that pushes people away and not let them in my world. Edward I am a horrible person, look at me I'm disgusting, I'm a  monster I'm so ugly. I moved to my Dad's to make a change, to get away from my hell, but I brought my hell with me. Every time I let someone in they get hurt. That's why I can't tell no one. When James knock you out I actually thought you died Edward, I was so scared of losing you forever." Bella turned her her head away from me.  I got up and sat on the edge of the bed.

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now