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    I was a complete mess, my head was spinning 100 mph with everything going through my head. I had more questions than answers now.

  Who changed Randy, who taught him to eat animal blood, and why the hell is he around James, Victoria, and Laurent. Who knows who else. I finally fell asleep.

  I don't know how long I slept for but when I woke up James was watching me. He had this strange look in his eyes and on his face expression. It’s not something I really want to explain either.

    Because it looks like he wants something and  I sure in the hell wasn't giving ti him either if I could help it.

  I looked away because it was really starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

   I felt a cold hand slowly moving up my leg and this touch made my skin crawl. I turned and looked it was James.

  "Please remove your hand off of me!" I asked him. He moved his hand further up my leg. "I asked you not to touch me!" He still didn't listen. His hand started to slide in between my legs. My eyes widen and I was uncomfortable.

   I got up as quick as I could. "WHAT PART OF DON'T TOUCH ME DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!." He got up and started to walk up to me and I started backing up, but I was stopped by a wall.

  James put both of his hands on either side of me on the wall and leaned his face close to mine.

   "Why don't you just let me have you it's the only time you will experience a man in your life " My eyes open wide and I turned my head.

  "I would rather die than to let you put your filthy hands on any  part of my body."

  I bent down and went under his arms and ran for the door. I got it open and ran through it. I tried to get to the front door but James blocked me.

  He grabbed me by the arm and threw me and I went flying across the room and landed on something glass.

   “EEERRRRGGGEEERRRRGGGHHH!”  As some as the glass cut into me.  Before I could even move James had me pinned down with one hand.

    "GET OFF OF ME!" I kept yelling at him. I was trying so hard to get away, but I couldn't.

  His other hand  start to go up my shirt. "NO, DON'T TOUCH ME GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!"

    I screamed out. I started hitting and kicking him. But I knew it would not do any good.

   I felt his hand cup my breast. I kept screaming but in my mind I was saying this is not happening to me. He said he wanted to see me.

   He grabbed my shirt and I guess he also had grabbed my bandage to or something because when he ripped my shirt off of me it took the bandage to and something else. Maybe some more stitches. It hurt like hell. “ AAARRRRGGGGGHHH!” I let out a blood curdling scream.

  Just as he went to lay his hands back on my breast. I did not feel him there no more. I heard a loud thud.

  I looked and he was gone. I backed away as fast as I could and I looked  for somewhere to hide and noticed the closest I hurried and got in it before he could come back. I covered myself with whatever I could.

   There was a lot of loud noises out there. All I could do is bury my head and cry. The noise stopped. I stayed as quiet as I could covering my mouth with with my hand.Because I heard someone walking toward the closest.

  I heard the closest door open. I'm going in my head please no more. I feel the stuff being pulled off of me. I started to scream again.


  I feel cold hands on me I try to fight back and I get scooped up.

  "Bella, Stop it's me!" I still kept hitting and kicking thinking it was still was James.

    "Bella, never let go!" I slowly stop when I heard those words. I slowly turned and looked. It was Edward.

   "Edward, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to. I thought you were James." I wrap my arms around him as tight as I could and started to cry.

  Edward wrapped his arms around me. "Bella, I'm here it's ok." I looked up and James was coming towards us. "Edward look out!"

 Edward set me down gently and quickly turned and slid into James slamming him into the wall.

  Then James took Edward and threw him. Edward didn't move. "No, Edward." James came at me and had a hold of me again. He grabbed my side and looked at me with a grin. I turn my eyes to look down and he pushed inside of me. I screamed in pain and he pulled out. He didn't go in that deep but damn it hurt like hell.

   He dropped me. James bent down and grabbed my wrist. Just as he bit down Edward came flying at him and knocked him off of me.

   "Bella, oh god, I'm so sorry." I heard Randy. He grabbed something and put it on my wound to try and  stop the bleeding. I looked to my side and see the rest of the Cullen family fighting James.

     I see Edward start walking over and he saw Randy, then went into crouch mode towards Randy. He starts to come at Randy.

  "EDWARD NO STOP PLEASE!" I yelled out. but it wasn't fast enough. Now they were fighting. I slowly move to get up. But I start to feel like I'm on fire.


They were still fighting. I motioned Alice to help me get closer to me she did.

   “Carlisle she loosing a lot of blood!” Carlisle came to me and started to tend to me pulling the glass out.

   “IT HURTS!” I yelled out!” Carlisle cupped my cheek. “I know it does. I need to get my bag to get you something for pain.”

   “IIITTT BUURRRNNSSS!!” I held up my arm and when I turned my I noticed Edward and Randy stopped fighting and ran to me.

   The next I knew Edward had his mouth over my wrist and everything went black.

    I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

  I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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