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     We been walking around for a while. We needed to regroup to figure out where we need to focus our search effort at.

  Once we met up Jasper took out the map and we were marking where we already been. My phone started to vibrate.

   I took it out of my pocket and it was a text message from Bella. Edward, Laurent took me to some run down cabin I guess. I'm in this room, so I don't really know where I'm at. I need to go. I love you.

    I told everyone that she thinks she in a run down cabin, but she can't be for sure, because she stuck in a room.

   "Edward that a start at least for now we have something we can go on." Jasper says.

  "How is that something to go on?" I asked. I run my hand through my hair in frustration. Carlisle put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry son will find her." I looked at Carlisle and he had the look of compassion in his eyes. I know he cares just as much as I do in finding Bella.

   I looked around at everyone and they all do.

    I look down at the map thinking. I see this area that was marked strange. "What this area here?" I asked. Jasper and Carlisle looked to where I'm circling, a big area on the map it is on the border of Washington and Oregon.

   "Oh that use to be a summer camp years ago, until it burn down." Jasper said.

  I started to think what Bella told me. She went to summer camp. I wonder if. "Edward what is it?"

  I told them to hold on I had to do something. I walked away for a moment. I took my phone out and called Charlie. I had to do this without letting on she is missing or telling him her secret.

  I dialed Charlie’s number. "Hello, Edward, Is Bells alright?" I cleared my throat.

   "Yeah she is, in fact she resting right now. I had a question for you. Bella told me when she was growing up she used to spend her summers with you, then when she was 8 she went to summer camp. I was kinda of wondering where did she go. Because I think maybe I may have met her at summer camp years ago but not sure."

  Charlie took a deep breath before talking like he was hesitating. "When, she turned 8 her mom called me and talked to me about a summer camp for Bella. She had heard the kids were going to one up here somewhere by the border of Washington and Oregon. I told her I'd do some research on it for her. Well sure enough there was one. I had agreed to it being that if anything thing had happened I be able to get there quicker. Well when she was about 13 something bad did happen to Bella at camp. From what I was told, on this one night the camp caught on fire. Bella was trapped in the woods. Well a friend of hers, saved her twice from what they told me. He would not let no one go get her on the other side of the fire, he insisted and brought her back. Well they got sprayed down, and the next thing they knew a burning tree was coming down on top of them, he pushed her out of the way. The men pulled him out. Bella went over to her friend, he made her promise him something, and when she did he went unconscious. Then later they found Bella unconscious by a cabin. When I got to the hospital she did not remember anything not even the fire. They don't even know what happen to her friend. Bella doesn't even know I think really."

   I didn't know what to think. "Thank you Charlie, that help me alot!" We said our goodbyes. I walked back over to my family and told them what Charlie had just told me.  I told them and showed them on the map where we need to focus our search at. They all agreed, one way or another I'm going to find my Bella.

    I wonder what happen to this friend of hers and what was the promise she made him. Now I understand more now why she wanted to figure this out what she could not remember. I just wonder what this is going to do to her when she does remember.

   Or is this only all going to lead to me finding my bella. No I can't think that way. She strong and if I know her she will find away to fight and stay alive.

    I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

   I own the rest of the characters and the story.


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