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I looked up at Edward. "To protect me, but would mean Charlie knows my secret and from the looks of it your family does to. How could you Edward you promised me." I let Edward go and turned away from him.

"Bella no I didn't say anything to no one, not even Charlie, hell he doesn't know they're Vampires yet!"

I turned back over slowly. "What do you mean he does not know there vampires yet!"

Edward stayed quite. "Edward what are you not telling me about my father? Edward, tell me." He put his head down.

"Well he knows that were vampires. But I didn't know until he walked in on me crying and I didn't realize it was him until I looked up and well he knows about us to."

I looked at Edward and then laid my head back down. "So how Charlie take the news about us?" I didn't dare look Edward in the eyes.

"Alot better then I thought he would." I turned my head and Edward was smiling. "So Victoria and James are vampires. But why do they have red eyes and you and your family have golden eyes?"

"Well Victoria and James diet is human blood, and our diet is animal blood. It what kind of separates us, even though we're still the same soulless monsters."

"Edward I don't believe that not for 1 second." I seen Esme in the doorway. "Esme I need your help please. Edward could you go get your father I really need a human minute but it's hard with all these attach."

Edward agreed "We can talk later ok." Once Edward walked out I looked up at Esme. "Can you get me one of Edward t-shirt and sweatpants please! I just don't feel right in this gown."

She nods. Carlisle finally walks in and temporarily unhooks everything. "I'll wait right here Bella. Now whatever you do don't get out of the bed at all without any help for at least almost a week."

I just nod my head in agreement. Esme helped me all the way into Edward's bathroom. Once we were done we went back into the bed.

"Carlisle and Esme can you sit down I really need to talk to you." They both sat on Edward's couch. "Well Carlisle you said I had some explaining to do, I agree, but I have to have promise that this don't get to my family or back to the school I have a very good reason for why." They look at each other and both agree.

"Well all my life Victoria and James have made fun of me and beat me up, among other things. But Victoria also stabbed me and no one knew about it. I noticed even before I moved for months that they wore sunglasses but never knew why. But now I know there vampires. What I don't get is why they still are coming after me. There something else to. Before Edward walked in on Victoria she told me something. She cut the brake lines on Tyler' van that it was for show."

A of sudden we all turned to the door. Because we heard someone throw something against the wall and then a door slammed downstairs, then we heard Alice call out for Edward.

"NO, NO! WHAT DID I JUST DO WHY DO I ALWAYS HURT PEOPLE?" Carlisle gets up and walks over to me.

"Don't worry about it to much, I'm going to send Rosalie up to change your iv bag and add an antibiotic to it, also give you something for pain. I'll send something up for you to eat to."

Carlisle walks out of the room and I ask Esme to stay for a few minutes.

"Esme I thought vampires couldn't cry? I thought you would be someone I could talk to about it. Edward was crying actual tears."

She placed her hand over the top of mine. "Well Bella, I'm sure Edward told you we have no soul, well that's not really true. I mean yeah in some ways we don't have souls, but I believe when we find our soulmates our true love, it's a form of our souls that comes alive in us and well we can cry real tears."

So I was right they do have a soul. "So your family can cry." She nods her head. Then we talk about what happens without no one's names and that they were vampires and I told her about the glass jar I threw too. "That's my girl" Charlie says. I looked up at him. "Dad, hi!"

He looks at me and walks in. Esme tells him to sit down. and walks out of the room.

"So it was vampires that attack you Bella?" I nod my head. "I heard this was your idea dad!" He smiles at me.

"Yes to protect you Bells. I was afraid they might come back for you. I just got you back Bells, I'm not gonna lose you. I also know Edward loves you and also him and his family are vampires. But the question is do you love Edward?" I look at Charlie and smile.

"I'm not going to lie to you dad I love Edward. But I really haven't told him. He knows I care and he has my heart but I haven't said the words yet." Charlie kisses the top of my head.

"Edward is a good person. So I approve of him. I will be back in a few days to check on you." We hug each other and he walks out.

Rosalie walks in and hangs the new iv bag and the antibiotic bag and gives the pain medication through the iv. She walked out not saying a world to me and once again I was alone.

Alice finally walks in with a tray of food and sets it over me. Alice went to turn and walk away. But I grabbed her arm.

"Alice will you stay with me please?" She turns and sits down. "Has Edward come back yet?" Alice told me no. "I should've talked to him first before I talked to your parents Alice then maybe he wouldn't of been hurt and he wouldn't of ran off."

I take my fork and move around my food with it. "Bella, please don't blame yourself. None of this is this is your fault."

I look up at her and Then up at the iv and think about what she just said.

"Alice that's where you're so wrong in many ways. If I didn't move here just maybe none of this would of happen and maybe your family would not be involved with my miss and then I would not have to worry about getting anyone getting hurt, Edward would've of never left your family when he did. Charlie now he's involved, so now he might get hurt, and it's all it's my fault."

I turned away. "Bella you were the best thing that ever happened to my brother. Why can't you see that? None of this is your fault Bella."


"Bella just please listen to me." Alice was pleading with me now. I picked the cup up off my tray and threw it. "GET OUT NOW!" I finally heard the door close behind me.

I was so mad at myself and upset, I started to cry and hitting the bed. I moved the tray off of me.

I went to go stand up and forgot that I could not, because of how weak I was and I was hooked up to the iv and the monitor.

I tore my iv out of my arm and pulled the wires off for the heart monitor.

I slowly walked over to the door and locked it. But as I locked it Carlisle was at the door.

"Sweetie, please unlock the door!"

"No! I hurt your family enough Carlisle. Just leave me be. I can take care of myself I done it before."

"But Bella there Vampires. They'll kill you!"

"Then let them! But JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I slide down the door and buried my head in my knees.

Everyone was knocking on the door trying to talk to me but I ignored them.

I finally crawled away from the door and grabbed the bed and stood up. I took the tray of food and threw it.

I slowly walked over to the curtains and opened them and looked out to the night sky and thought about Edward and how much I loved him and how much I already hurt him. But this pain felt so fimlar but so different at the same time.

"AARRRGGGHH!" I screamed out as I slid down the window.

I do own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now