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Well I was laying there looking up at the sky and that's all I been doing this for the past few day it seems like all I see is Bella face.

I wish I knew what I was feeling though. I understand that I have never had a mate or girlfriend, or had sexual actives before.

Hell for that matter I never even kissed a girl. Not even when I was human. I was frozen at 17. So what am I feeling damn it. This is all new to me.

"Alright Edward spill it you might able to hide it from the others but you can't hide it from me Edward. Who is she?" Tanya asked me.

I looked at her. "Okay how you know it's a girl." I had a grin on my face. "Well, whoever it is, she has you deeply thinking so that must mean its a human."

"Tanya, now how did you figure that one out?" I just looked at her shocked.

"I thought I was the only one that could read minds." I said chuckling.

"Edward, I'm serious now what has you stuck about all this."

"Well, for one I can't read her mind, for two her blood smell much sweeter to me, but if she crying I want to just go to and hold her. I'm so confused and frustrated. Because now when I'm not there I see her face everywhere. I just wish I knew what was going on."

"You really don't know do you Edward? Well let me tell you a little secret. Your developing feelings for the human. She may even just be your mate.
Now it's up to you how far you want to take it, and don't give me that crap about the monster within you either, because I know you can control it Edward. Give yourself a chance to feel love for once in your life Edward."

"All I can do is try right. I think I'll just try to be her friend first though."

"Oh this came for you today." She hands me an envelope and with that Tanya left me to finish thinking. I look at the envelope and it says it from Alice. I open it and found another envelope with my name on it. I look at Alice's note first.

Dearest brother so much has happen while you been gone. Bella gave this to me and wanted me to get it to you.

But this letter should help you make your decision. I've seen it but I will not tell you what I saw. You have to figure it out on your own.


I open the letter from Bella and read it.

Edward Cullen,

I want you to know I'm sorry for what I ever did to make you not like me and I'm so sorry that it made you leave.

Just know what ever I did I'm so truly sorry. This was suppose to be a new beginning for me but I already messed up. So please take this letter if you read it at all which I hope you do. Please come back! I really didn't mean to mess things up.

Bella Swan
🌟 🌙

I looked at the star and half moon she drew and looked back up at the night sky and wondered if she was thinking of me to.

I knew now what I had to do so I'll will at least try. I will try to be her friend and make things right.

I went back to the house and pack my stuff and thank everyone for letting me stay and got into the car and was on my way.

Without a doubt Alice had already seen this and has told everyone I was coming home.

Now I didn't know for sure if Bella was my mate. But I knew this much for sure. I did want to be with her I did not know if she would even give me the chance to make this up to her. But I will try and be there for her and be her friend because that's what's she needs right now.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now