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It's been a few days since Randy showed us the statue. I am still healing. I still hate being alone. I really hate the nightmares. But Edward been there every step away. Today we are going home. I'm nervous about it to. But Carlisle called Charlie and I get to stay with Edward while I finish healing. He doesn't know what happen but he thinks I had to have a second surgery and we went into hiding to protect me so my secret was still safe.

As we're getting ready to go back to Forks, I turned to Edward. "Can I ask you something Edward?" He sat down and pulled me gently down until his lap and wrapped his arms around me. "You can ask me anything, you know that." Then he kissed me gently on my cheek.

"Well I was wondering if it was alright with you of course, most of all and your family, I would love it if Randy could move to Forks with us, but he would have to live with you guys though?" I put my head down because I did not want to see his face expression, just in case it made him upset I asked that question.

I felt his hand under my chin as he gently lifted it up so that I could see his green eyes. For some reason they never changed back yet. But I could get use to these eyes too. Because they are who Edward once was.

"Bella, if it means that much to you then yes, but there's already a big problem with that though." He put this look on his face like he could get jealous or something else.


Then pulled back and smile. "Bella you're cute when you get mad!" I slapped him and started to blushed. He just laughed... "What I was going to tell you silly girl he's already going to be moving up by the end of the month."

I put the biggest smile on my face and wrapped my arms around Edward's neck and kissed him. He pulled back and asked me what was for.

"Because for 1 you have to be so damn good at everything, and for 2 I love you so damn much and for 3 Thank you."

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Why thank you Bella?"

I looked deep into his eyes just for a second. "For being here for me through everything and showing me what love really is, for not leaving me, for caring for, For loving the real me for who I am." He just looked at me for a minute.

"I Will always be here for you and I love you and your beautiful on the inside and out Bella Swan." He kissed on the cheek. I just rolled my eyes.

"Are you ready to get back to Forks now?" I looked around. "Yes and no! I'm glad to go back to be with Charlie, but with Laurent and Victoria still out there I always have to look over my shoulder. Plus I still have to deal with Jessica and Lauren. But please let me try to handle them on my own ok." He nodded his head in agreement. We got up finished up, and headed on our way to Forks.

I know I have a lot of healing to do mentally and physical. So does Edward. But I know if we do this together we can beat this and we can conquer anything.

I have my brother back in my life. I'm going to do my best to make it up to him. I want to build our relationship again and this time no one will break us apart.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and story. The next book in this series is Forever changed.

Wanting a life change! Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now