• Chapter Fifteen •

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I woke up at 12pm because I wanted to sleep in and get some full rest. I went on my phone and went on all my social media and post a pic of me on my snapchat.

I finally got out of bed 10 minutes later and got ready for the day. I was going to go to the apartment that I found that was open and check it out and after, head to the studio to record two other songs of my album that is coming up.

 I was going to go to the apartment that I found that was open and check it out and after, head to the studio to record two other songs of my album that is coming up

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I wore a gray skaters dress with my favorite denim jacket and white converse. I put on a simple silver infinity necklace and small diamond earrings. I wore my ray ban sunglasses and I had a baby pink purse with gum, mints, Chapstick, and my phone.

I said my goodbyes to everybody and told them I won't be coming back 'til later in the evening because of my schedule. I walked out and ubered it to Logan's complex because I didn't feel like driving and I went to the front desk. I told them I was here to check out the penthouse and a lady came out of an office and took me to the penthouse. I looked around and she told me everything I needed to know and I took the offer of buying it. I got my keys and they said that I can move in as soon as I sign the paperwork. I went down to the lobby and signed the paperwork in the ladies office. I was able to get my schedule cleared for tomorrow so I can move my things in there.

When I finished signing everything, I took another uber to the studio and sang two other songs of my album. By the time I got there, it was 4pm so I asked my mangers if we can get some food, they said yes, and we got Taco Bell. We are and worked on recording my two songs and seeing what I needed to do. By the time I was done, it was 11pm so I ubered it back home and ready to move on to my new apartment, which I later found out was next to Logan's apartment.

Everybody was asleep, so I quietly walked up to my room to see a cute sleepy Jonah sleeping in my bed. I went to my restroom and changed to my favorite pink hoodie and sweatpants. I crawled into bed and kissed Jonah on his forehead. I guess he heard me, because he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

I fell asleep that night in Jonah's arms very tired and ready for what tomorrow brings me.
Thank you for reading today's chapter. Sorry I haven't been publishing. I have been really busy and had writers block, which sucks ass, but I'm back and ready to write. Please sure to check out my other book and comment and/or dm me if you have feedback or want to be friends. Byee!😊❤️

Daniel Seavey's twin sister // Why Don't We fanfic. •/\• COMPLETED •/\•Where stories live. Discover now