Part 17: Oh Sister

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okay...this one's not much of a story, more like a filler chapter, so i didn't think of it really, but i want to make Mike's character to be a bit sketchy, so please bear with me on this...


I'm on a rolll, two parts in a day, so you all enjoy!

Thanks a bunch mateys!!


Mike's pov

It was perfect until it wasn't. I was really happy to see Kara and join her for some sandwiches, but then I got to meet her friends. I never expected that Lena Luthor is one of them.

I know for a fact for a long time that she's my sister, Lex my brother. Dad talked about them whenever he visits me and has shown me pictures. He told me never to get mad at them, because it's never their fault or mine we all are in this situation. Sure, it's never our fault because it's his fault, but still I can't help it. I get jealous all the time, they got the picture perfect family, I got the crappy one.

I can't dwell in this misery right now, besides it's time. I need to get to the place and I don't want to blow up the deal with James Olsen and his crew if I'm going to earn extra cash.

More so, I don't want to piss off the big boss. Nobody messes with him, otherwise you'll find yourself floating bloated in the river. So I best be going now before its late.


Lena's pov

I can't stop thinking of how small this world can be. Mike, the half brother I just recently discovered, are friends with Kara, the one person that keeps me sane in a crazy world.

Kara said they just met in her mom's bakeshop, that they're not really that close. But I saw how he looks at her, and Kara thinks he's funny. I can't help it but I think I'm jealous. I cannot compete with Mike, what chance do I have against him if Kara likes him? I'm still working up the courage to tell Kara how I feel about her, now I'm completely terrified to say anything at all.

I was taking a walk while pondering on these thoughts when I saw Mike. He's wearing a dark hoodie looking inconspicuously. I'm totally clueless as to what he was up to, and I'm either curious or suspicious. Nonetheless I decided to follow him. Talk about staking out the competition.

Anyway, there I went following Mike at a considerable distance like I did with mom that day I found out everything. I'm starting to get a knack on this surveillance thing, I might consider becoming a CIA agent as a career.

After a while, I realized where Mike was going. I started to feel nervous now. I'm following him under the Crow's Nest tunnel, it's a very notable hanging out place for thugs, dealers and drag racers. This place is usually featured in the local news as either a crime scene or a nest filled with the homeless derelicts.

The place is now crowded, mostly with hormonal teenagers who obviously are up to no good. And there were cars, a whole lot of cars. From the fancy Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Maseratis to Audis, Camaros and Mustangs. If I didn't know any better I'd say I'm in the movie Fast and the Furious, and Vin Diesel's going to pop his bald head out of one those Dodge Chargers and punch some random face. I stopped following Mike and kept my distance from this people trying not to get any attention.

Which I miserably failed. I turned as I decided to go back home now when out of nowhere James Olsen, with his posse, showed up to my face.

"Well, well...if it isn't the princess herself," he smirked as his band of squirrels chuckled behind him. "Is the princess spying for mommy, like the usual?"

"Ah...uhm, I-I'm leaving. I saw nothing..." I said as I avoided eye contact with this giant quarterback.

"So soon?...why, we could use some royal company here, get myself another muse..." James said as he put his bulky arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

Now I'm horrified, utterly scared. Not only because of James' gigantic hulk, but also he stinks of alcohol. Its like he swam laps in a pool of Bacardi and  sprayed Hennesy like perfume. I think I feel like throwing up really.

"I got to go now, James...let me go," I tried to push him but his grip was tight.

"Hey!" Mike called out as he also came out of nowhere, "let her go. The car's ready. If you want to race it, you race now. Boss is waiting..."

"About damn time, loser..." James said as he let go of me and went away.

"Are you okay?" Mike asked me.

"Yeah...yeah, thanks..?" I said unsure. " this where you hang out?"

"Its none of your business..."


"You should,"

He is right. Whatever he's doing here its none of my business, even more true is that I shouldn't be here. He then turned to leave and go back to that crowd.

"I'm sorry...for everything,"I said.

I don't know what exactly I'm apologizing for. I just felt like doing so. Maybe I've always felt sorry for him ever since I found out about him and his mother, or maybe I'm sorry I got caught stalking and almost dragged into a whole lot of trouble with James. Mike stopped in his tracks but he did not look back.

"I'm sorry, too..." Is all he said and walked away fast, disappearing in the crowd.

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