Hes A Knock Out

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Jesus POV
I could see him across the room all alone. His bright blue eyes shining in the light. His hair might not be like mine but I still love it. His muscles popped through his shirt that he wore. The perfect man stood across the room. How could he love me. Maybe I should stop staring and get of here because I thiiink he just saw me.

Daryl POV
Why did I come to this damn party. Oh yeah I remember. That man across the room. His long hair. His beautiful green eyes. He is the ninja of my dreams. But he wouldn't love a dirty redneck like me. Or would he? I could see him shooting me looks. But they were gentle. A look through his eyelashes every once and a while but other times he would full on stare, looking me up and down. I started to walk towards him. Maybe he does like me. I'm gonna talk to him. But when looked up to walk towards him, he was gone. "What the heck? Where'd you go?" I said softly to myself.

Jesus POV
I finally got out of there. To many people and I couldn't look at him any longer or my manhood might have popped. "Welp time to go home and get these clothes off....." I chuckled. "And take care of this." I said softly and looking down.

Daryl POV
I had to find him and find out if that's how he felt. You know if he swings that way or am I just some lonely redneck. I ran outside and saw him walking down the street. "HEY!" I yelled to him. He turned to look at me and started running.

"God damn it. " I said grabbing a shovel from Ricks yard. "So he wants to play dirty huh. Game on." I said running after him catching up very quickly.

"DONT MAKE ME CHASE YOUR ASS AGAIN!" I yelled after him.

He just kept running. Finally I pounced and tackled him, putting him in a choke hold. He tried to scream but I put my hand over his mouth. "Shhhhhhh. Don't scream so much. The others might hear." I said.

He moved my hand a little so he could speak. "Daryl?" He said before he passed out.

I checked to make sure he was still, you know alive. "What's going on out here?" Said a voice behind me.

I turned to see Rick. "I uuu, came out here to smoke a cigarette and saw him passed out. Thought I'd check to make sure he's alive. I think he's drunk." I lied.

"Oh. Well could you take him home please? I have to get back in here." He said.

"Sure thing." I said.

He turned to walk away and then turns back around. "Um and Daryl?"

"Yeah?" I said picking Jesus up over my shoulders.

"Next time you steal my gardening tools to attack someone let me know before you do." He said laughing and smacking my shoulder. "Aahhh goodnight Daryl." He said as he continued to laugh.

"Night Rick." I said chuckling to myself. "Welp so much for lying about this." I said as I walked to Jesus's house.

Did I say Jesus's house. I meant my house. I didn't go through all that shit to not get any rewards😈

Well guys this is my first attempt at a fanfic. Hope everyone likes it. Love you all❤️❤️


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