All We Can Do Is Wait

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Maddie's POV
Jesus and Daryl's voices faded behind me as I ran down the road that led up to Alexandria. So many things went through my mind. Is Carl ok? What the hell happened? Daryl and Jesus are gonna be so pissed that I ran. All these things went through my mind as I ran towards the gate that was a few hundred yards ahead. As soon as she saw me, Tara opened the gate and I kept running, not slowing down for anything.

I ran straight into the infirmary. When I ran in, Carl laid there with a bandage over where his right eye should've been and Rick and Michonne sat there with him.

"Carl?" I say walking slowly towards the bed. Tears came to my eyes when he didn't answer.
"What happened?" I say looking at Rick.

"Negan came to get his stuff. He said two us had to pay because we were short of food to give them. So.... (sigh) he killed Abraham and Rosita. Carl got upset and went after him. Negan shot him and here we are. Doctor says all we can do now is wait." Rick says a little bit choked up.

I pull a chair up next to Carl's bed and take his hand as tears fall hard to the floor. "Carl? I know you can't hear me but, we're all here and we want you to wake up. I know you're still in just gotta keep fighting." I choked out, holding his hand tighter.

Daryl's  POV
It wasn't long before her form faded into the distance as if the woods had swallowed her up. We ran for a little while before I heard Jesus's footsteps come to a halt. When I turn around, I see him bent over with his hands on his knees. "Damn she's fast." He says out of breath. "But she always has been." He continued.

I stand beside him and take a small breather. "Ya want me to carry you princess?" I say as a small smirk appears on my face.

"Shut... up." He smiles. "Come on." He says.

We ran as fast as we could back to Alexandria. When Tara let us in, we ran to the infirmary. Jesus swung the door open and we ran  in. Maddie sat there along with Rick and Michonne. She looks at us with sad eyes. "Before you say anything. I'm sorry. I was angry. I scared. So many things were going through my head that I didn't think.....I just ran. I needed to get here and I needed to know what happened and if he was ok." She says looking away. "I'm sorry I ran ."

"It's ok. I'm just glad you made it here." Jesus says. "How is he?"

"He hasn't woken up yet. Doctor says all we can do is wait." Rick says.

After that no one spoke. We sit there....and we sit there......and we sit there. Nothing. He made no sound and the only movement he made was the rising and falling of his chest. Which was the only thing giving me hope. I could tell Rick and Michonne we're getting ready to fall out. "Why don't you guys go and get some rest. We'll come get you if anything changes." I say putting a hand on Ricks shoulder.

"(Yawn) thanks. Let us know." He says hugging me and then hugging Jesus.

"We will." I say as Michonne does the same thing.

Then they walk over and whisper something to Maddie in which she nods in response. They leave and the three of us sit there in silence. Just watching and hoping something would change for the better.

We sat there a good while before Jesus fell out. I walk over to the other side of the bed and put a hand on her shoulder. "Would you be mad if I left you in here alone?" I ask her.

"No. Go get some rest. There's an empty room on the other side of this wall." She says not looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell Rick?"

"I would have told Rick and Michonne to use it but they live right next door. It's not hard to get to them. You guys live two blocks away. Lot harder to get to you." She says.

"Ok. You sure your ok?"

"Yeah (sigh) I'm ok." She says looking at me with tear filled eyes.

I bend down and kiss her head. "It'll be ok kid. I know it."

She just nods as I pick Jesus up and start walking towards the door. "G'night kiddo. Love ya."

"Love you too." She says as I close the door almost all the way.

I walk to the room next door, lay Jesus down, and hop in with him. He curls up into a little ball with his head on my chest. I soon fell asleep, hoping for good news in the morning.

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